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  • I can agree that that my posts are mostly conceptual :) I've gotten over people saying "we don't understand what you're saying". I don't mean that in a mean way, I'm saying that I understand why they don't understand :lol:
    ...yes sir :) I've been in the background more lately, just thinking about the debate. I don't feel like arguing about much - it takes energy :)
    ...that's cool. I can 'see' the interaction of those two things somehow (fsc and inner work). I guess it might make some sense to me someday :)
    ...related to the fsc. By intuition only, and this could well be wrong, I got to this idea I sent you. It 'felt' relevant so I posted it.

    "It is worth noting that the fine-structure 'constant' isn't really a constant. The effective electric charge of the electron actually varies slightly with energy so the constant changes a bit depending on the energy scale at which you perform your experiment. For example, 1/137 is its value when you do an experiment at very low energies (like Millikan's oil drop experiment) but for experiments at large particle-accelerator energies its value grows to 1/128."
    Hey Doer, I also wanted to ask about the time dilation you mentioned. Is this related at all to 1/137 and 1/128?
    ...hey man! The first thing I thought of when you wrote that was something I wrote a while back "my light side has a dark side, and my dark side as a light side". I guess it comes down to the question "who is the observer?" It also seems to point to the mandala, doesn't it :D
    ...Super c having more influence, sounds about right. *Just came back from dinner with my daughter. When we were approaching the restaurant she asked if we were there yet and I said "right there, can you see it?" - her reply "I can super-see it!".

    Cool. Here's another take. I don't want to be rich. I don't want 'stuff'. Some things are needed, I get it. But I don't want people looking at me for any other reason than to look at me. Not 'because'.

    I need to be able to provide for my family.

    But, I've hit the point where I feel I could have done more. I could have excelled if I would have focused. It is very hard to focus. I've been legitimately medicated to be able to focus. No good. At the same time, I can't stop making art, or writing, or all that creative stuff. I just can't. Oy.

    I ignore most of people's attempts at telling me that I could 'make it'. Why should I 'make it'. What's 'it'? There's no end to 'it'. I don't wanna go there, but a part still does. I suppose it will always be there.

    K, I'll be quiet now about 'mi' :)
    That makes sense. But I don't think I understood the way you stated "don't get the phd" - was that idea part of the contamination you mentioned?
    ...that's my take for sure. Here's something I wrote a long time ago... I don't like posting this stuff here because of © issues, but that's not your concern.

    This is a part of a longer piece of writing that turned into somewhat of a commentary on society. I don't plan the things I write. I just write.

    Spirit will chase its kind
    While the dogs blind each other

    Mastermind, or master self
    Its plane to see

    “Would you like some bullets with that?”
    “Nah, just the food, thanks.”
    That's pretty cool :) "All are swept out to sea" looks a lot like "born fallen" to me. It's all psychological. This whole thing is about spiritual warfare to me. Perhaps I've 'started to become the general'. It is these very things you describe that compel people to renounce a phd, etc... That's a plaque on the wall. Maybe a plaque on the being as well :razz:
    3. the control of this telesmic superforce, goes hand in hand with initiated consciousness, Lunar as well as Solar. In the former case, the white elixir has been prepared, enabling consciousness to remain focused on the Sun while existing in the gross & heavy Saturnine transformations of the One Entity (the physical world). In the latter, the philosopher's stone has been found, and consciousness abides in a state which has a continuous spiritual openness, leading to the unshaken spirit of the Divine Presence (cf. the "Shekinah" in qabalah).
    PSLOCYN AND PSLOCIBYN ALLOWING AN INGESTER TO EXPERIENCE TWO SIMULTANEOUS 3 DIMENSIONAL REALITIES BASED ON CONSCIOUSNESS AND INTENTIONS SLASH ATTentions and by simultaneous i mean 5 minute waves and every time u switch spots as well as the ppl in the room stay the same but switch spots as well as different convos..
    . please! tell me bout where to read more bout dis!
    perhaps it is true mon, and we are infinitely inter dimensional beings, having a 4th Dimensional DREAM
    It was a while ago yet I am quite sure we were stoned!
    Here, this is from that link. Wow...

    The word "perfections" translates the Greek "telesma" or "rite" ("teleoo" means "to bring to an end" and "to initiate into the mysteries"), also found in the word "talisman", a physical object whose subtle vehicle (or etheric double) is a condensation of a spiritual state of consciousness. All these meanings are implied here :
    1. the superforce accomplishing the miracles of the One Entity, according to the laws of the operation of the Sun, brings everything to its natural end, i.e. towards its completion, i.e. its return to the One Entity ;
    2. the spiritual states of Sun and Moon can be fixated on the physical plane, enabling physical consciousness to rise more quickly above the gross vibrations of the lowest stratum of the universe ;
    mens - mind - ratio - reason

    Did you read that somewhere? :)

    The heart. Or, should I say, the Christic Atom inside of it?

    The Stone? That brings me to the pineal - and also the expression "the way down is the way up"...

    How about this "the cloud of unknowing". I feel that's where I'm at :|

    Oh, and...
    ...yes, and no (I think...) It could be my interpretation of your question. My take on it is 'charge'. In the 'lunar' phase one reflects light. In the solar phase, one IS light, and happily extends that light to others. Solar receptors, like Edison, for example. I believe he was telesmatic.
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