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  • Dang! Half of my journal is gone. All my PMs. TIme for more non-attachment practice, maybe
    Can you hear me know? It seems the stuff about the WORD shall remain un-spoken. :)
    Amazing isn't it? Though I was lazy doing my sig in Paintbrush with low quality images at 5 in the morning so it looks crappy XP

    A whole wall? That sounds awesome! There is a white board taking up half the wall in my college computer lab- I covered it in pot leaves and bongs and Pokemon/mario characters smoking, my tutor walked in and he admired it for about 15 minutes :3
    I have it, but never use it really. I like starting my projects the traditional way and digitally process them rather than doing everything straight on the computer.
    Was trying to explain Am. Football to some Cricketeers. I find Cricket quite strange but has some commonality with baseball. Soccor is close enough to Rugby, but fooltball. They needed a reference.

    So, says I, imagine each time they line up is one game of chess. 2 rows, 11 players. (ahh) The chess match starts at the snap of the ball and all the pieces move at once, on both sides. (OH)
    One side has 3-4 tries to promo a pawn (1st down) or checkmate (touchdown) or get placed in check (turnover) or checkmated (turnover touchdown) by the other side. Then start a new game of chess for 3.5 hours. AH HA!!!!!
    Well, you can imagine, from my viewpoint, I'm not much into hierarchy....except in chess. :)
    No, grasshopper. Not going anywhere. I'm growing here.

    The acolyte questions. Then, no questions and no answers. Just raw experience. I don't know what means OTO. There are some things that can't be said by initiates to acolytes. It's more that seeing is believing. If we explain too much or reveal our experiences at a great depth, it's not good for you and your journey.

    And I'm saying there is no need for imagery and iconic vision or symbolism of any kind. The imagery is the illusion, at every level.

    But, we all got to eat, chop wood and tote water. A little dream travel might help your art. That's all. The Astral plain leads nowhere. Just like the physical plane, mental plain, and yes, the spiritual plain of existence. Beyond even existence itself is the Light.

    That lead Paul to write, "I die daily in the presence of the Lord." Or some such. You have to understand. We don't exist. That's the illusion. We make the best of it.
    OK, since you are so into the imagery, try this. It's an Ekankar technique called ekanarie. Directed or Lucid dreaming. It's pretty simple. Just look for your hands in the dream state. If you can see your hands, try a desire for the dream, but don't loose sight of your hands. It's kinda like those data glove sims. You see your hands in front of you and you become a conscious dreamer. Don't get too hung up in it. Your images are only meaningful to you. But, they can be a great source of artistic encouragement. It's best not to discuss them or even think about it. Just raw joy. This is the safe way to practice astral projection. Sorry, I can't say any more about it to an acolyte.
    But, then again. It's so simple. So much gets lost in the symbolism of language. Remember it's the devotees that write scripture. God-men speak pragmatically and then their words are glorified and mystified by the tower of Babel. An entire cult springs up interpreting the words. Jesus and Buddha actually said very little that we can attribute directly to them.
    Yes, needle eye of Now, vast when we are now. By the grace of consciouses of NOW. All else is wetware entertaining, protecting and procreating itself. Thoughts dreams, hopes fear. NOW is boring to most....except monetary peak experience. A ski run or holding a basketball layup.

    When we chase those experiences, Maya runs away laughing. (Or simple, God laughs at our plans)

    But, who knows. Nazareth said that? The quote in King James , "I am in this world, but not of it." Christianity makes a mistake. It attributes all that was said in bible to be straight from the mouth of Christ in some magical way. Like John 3:16. Jesus didn't say that. John, in a breathless voice of devotion, postulated that.

    On the other hand, I would not doubt that it was what he was saying. Encouraging us to take that point of view. Trying very hard not to be the King of the Jews like Paul wanted.
    So nice to read that sutra when I log in. It really does capture the very essence of the Gita. And that comment about non-attachment is the essence of Buddhism, also.

    "When do I get my reward?" God, "Gemme, Gemme, God!" Seem to be the core of Western thought.
    Even imagery, we must abandon for light. That image holds fear doubts, uncertainties disappointments. Imagery brings it back, a cat on our lap.
    All motivations are fear based. All, save one,.. Not even fear for our mortal soul can be admitted.

    I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.
    --------------------Bene Gesserit Litany Against Fear.
    Well, pot is just meds for me, constant low dose for medical grade problems and doesn't cause more clouds that usual...rather less I'd say. It's just another food for the meat robot, which includes, of course, the meat brain.

    And everything is of that nature if we can relax the nattering mind cloud's impact and let it drift off to natter to itself while we remain firmly Now.
    I do, but, I feel that's just another trap of physicality. I find it best to trust that my super-consciousness Knows All, Sees All, but only says something when my nattering self needs some info. And even then it's very subtle.
    Why did I do, say, move, stay, or something else? It's often apparent later. No worries in my little Peace of Now about pre-c
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