Recent content by Mosstitute

  1. M

    What is attacking my 25 day old plants !?? Also any advice on nutes/ and just general health would be Appreciated

    So it looks like it’s definitely calcium deficiency....? With coco coir, how do I fix this ? This is my problem , I have no clue when it comes to nutes ,
  2. M

    What is attacking my 25 day old plants !?? Also any advice on nutes/ and just general health would be Appreciated

    I’ve just noticed a lot more leaves with the brown spots beginning to show , Could it be a fungus !!?
  3. M

    What is attacking my 25 day old plants !?? Also any advice on nutes/ and just general health would be Appreciated

    Yeh they do, I used a systemic pesticide to rid it (was on my last plant , an ammi) worked wonders , sprayed once And didn’t To again
  4. M

    What is attacking my 25 day old plants !?? Also any advice on nutes/ and just general health would be Appreciated

    I used a magnifying glass earlier , I didn’t find any of those spider mites , or thrips , but something has had a go at the top! And by the size of the hole , I think they will be staying inside from now on!! appreciate the advice mate
  5. M

    What is attacking my 25 day old plants !?? Also any advice on nutes/ and just general health would be Appreciated

    Yeh man, I just took the photos their as was in sun :-) but cheers , heads about all sorts of bugs Living there ! If it is sunny, where’ve they are sitting , I spray the are with a good pesticide long before they come out .
  6. M

    What is attacking my 25 day old plants !?? Also any advice on nutes/ and just general health would be Appreciated

    I’ve had 8 kidney and bladder surgeries from 22-28 , I should of elaborated on the fact it was too much coke and mdma , can cause scar tissue in the kidneys , Hence me getting into cbd therapy, but I want all the Cannabinoids What strain do you think is closest to what it used to be like 15...
  7. M

    What is attacking my 25 day old plants !?? Also any advice on nutes/ and just general health would be Appreciated

    Hi guys, I’m a newbie to growing , I’m on 3rd grow , made every mistake from over and under watering , too many nutes ,too little nutes Et cetera I’ve had thrips , and they were fairly easy to get rid off ..... But this is something totally different .... I’ve said this before and people on...
  8. M

    what just happened??? milky white semen looking substance in germination glass !!!

    I had the same thing , it was a thrip , As I pulled the seed (4 days after planting ) to see what the hell was gokng on, a thrip crawled out of the seed, which was trying it’s hardest to push a root and stem out , so I peeled the shell of gently , and it had eaten the inside , little bastard ...
  9. M

    First Set Of Fan Leaves Drooping

    Hey mate , I have exactly the same problem, perfectly healthy looking plant , vegetative stage, plenty of leaves , good colour , but the first set of fan leaves that came out , which are big now, are drooping ! I have no idea why, could be overwatering , but it’s rooting beautifully , god knows...
  10. M

    New grower, 15 day seedling, normal ? In U.K., medical purposes intended !

    So this has a dimmer .... and 24 leds to each ring , if I change the light now, will she flower Better? Nice one lads
  11. M

    New grower, 15 day seedling, normal ? In U.K., medical purposes intended !

    Nah I looked on all these forums , if it is still in the seedling stage , can I get a brighter led , I don’t want to use the old lights , too hot and expensive , what led would you suggest ?
  12. M

    New grower, 15 day seedling, normal ? In U.K., medical purposes intended !

    Thank you for all the advice either way! Fuck it man, it’s only a seed eh, if it doesn’t work , I’ll get another and a stronger light , is it worth changing the light now before flowing ? Get a more powerful one ?
  13. M

    New grower, 15 day seedling, normal ? In U.K., medical purposes intended !

    Arghhh is just annoying, I get told by one person on another thread that the lights are fine, and I have them too close , and it will fry the plant , so many people have conflicting theories, I read up on this light before getting it , it said it’s plenty powerful for one plant !?! I don’t know...