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  • Well, it just sort of happened tonight, ya know? I may be a wee bit sleepy tomorrow, but hell, RIU was bumpin for a while there.. Couldn't bring myself to retire!
    LOL I think the word you're looking for is 'praise'. And that's great to hear you're going to pursue that possibility, good buddy.
    You're absolutely right. I should.
    And you've got some serious talent there, kid. And I've only read what you've laid down @ RIU. Take advantage of that wickedly razor sharp style you got. That kind of wit and uniquity is rare and gets noticed. Get on that and have a publisher look at them.
    And I'm curious about these works you're writing.. I'd love to feast my eyes opon those! Can you give me a hint as to their subject matter?
    Thanks for the kind words, bro :) But no, I'm no author lol I used to write a lot though when I was younger. But pretty much any writing of significance is confined to forums. Though lately I've been contemplating putting something down. I really should. Thanks for the words of encouragement, Ndanja. Much appreciated :D
    My oh my dude, that list made me smile. Haha I'm gonna have to talk with my trip buddy to see if she wants to plan a night with lucy or molly. She's never rolled before, but she's been mentioning her interest in doing so. Either way though, I'm going to try to do some bizzzz with ya either this week or next.
    Hahaha I was just about to hit up your page man. What goodies ya got man? I've been dreamin of dimitri lol.
    haha word thanks buddy.. Of course ive dedicated myself to it man, i always put everything i got into my art... Im only down with half-assing things i hate.. I love art there for i will never half ass it..

    But im almost done outlining it and 3ding it.. I will post a pic as soon as thats done.. Probably later today or early tomorrow so you can get the jist of what its looking like minus the color...
    Oh, im sorry man. Didn't mean to bug ya, didn't know you were sick. Glad to here your feeling better though. Hope the tounament went well:grin:
    Yo whats good man? Sorry ive been gone for a while, have had alot of family/car stuff going on.. But i have def been working on that still.. Had a good 3 hour session with it yesterday infact! Will post a pic for you asap my bro..
    whats up man. canuck said u were sick so hope u get better soon bro. ill have my box by monday so i will be hushing u. get well.
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