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  • im sorry about that, but anyways i have kept looking an still no success... an tht offer u gave me b4 is a bit pricey!.. is there any way i can get some help from you?
    I am appealing to you, one who clearly has a lot of experience and has the knowledge I seek regarding this area. I have searched this website using google and I did not come up with any substantial results for jwh-250 suppliers, as sources are not discussed here. Google searches have given me one potential supplier who will ship internationally; jwhoutlet, but they are unresponsive to emails. As most american users can just order from one of the many suppliers shipping to the states, there are not many people asking questions. I am quite good at finding obscure chemicals and I'm slightly shocked at the fact that I have not found any suitable suppliers.

    but you replied to a insolent poster asking for jwh-018 sources and seemed to send him a pm with details of jwh-018 sources who swore at you quite a few times... how does that work?
    If you aren't going to hand out any sources, could you at least tell me anything you know about jwhoutlet's stock status? are they still operating?

    I have been through this "dont help the noobs" patch before; I did a lot of work with home synthesis of explosives and pyrotechnics... everything from blasting caps to blackpowder rockets to hydrazine... I don't think it is necessary. An undeserving, lazy k3wl is obvious miles away... .It just serves to satisfy one's ego.
    please do senor ;)

    been waitin for ya.. lots of 'im not sure's' coming from my end.. if you know what I mean :lol:
    hey danger, just saw you recommending some sources of jwh compounds to people using pm's. would it be too much to ask for you to suggest any suppliers who would ship jwh-250 or 81 to New Zealand? I've found quite a few suppliers, but not many of them sound legit and hardly any ship internationally. jwhoutlet seems plausible, but they are out of stock and unresponsive to my messages. if you could just help a fellow out, I'd be really grateful... I've been searching for 2 weeks with no results.
    thanks man
    Was supposed to hear from you "Saturday at the latest", it's Wednesday now, my emails are getting returned undeliverable and your inbox is full. ....???
    So sorry Ndanja, I still can't set up an account :/ and I really need to ask you a few questions. I'm waiting for admin to sort things out, but in the meantime is there any other way I can forward my queries to you? Sorry Bro. Apologies for cluttering your VM page, ur PM inbox is maxed.
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