Recent content by PeterFitswell

  1. P

    Possible Nute problem

    No sir, using FF soil and using the FF nutes but I did read someone else having a problem like mine & they said some Cal/Mag cleared it rite up. We shall see
  2. P

    Possible Nute problem

    Between 5.8- 6.5
  3. P

    Possible Nute problem

    I'm curious if anyone can tell me what the issue is im having with my Gorilla Glue. I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that it's possibly an abundance of a specific nute, possibly phosphorus or Magnese but hopefully there's a seasoned Vet that can lend a helping hand. Now this is only on a cpl...
  4. P

    White specks on leaves

    I'm trying to find the best thing to use at this late point in flower that would be better for and not cause any damage to my buds
  5. P

    White specks on leaves

    That's good 2 know cuz my plant is 7wks into flower and I'm so worries about my buds.
  6. P

    White specks on leaves

    I'm dealing with a similar issue. Unfortunately it looks similar to spider mite eggs. Look and see if u see some small webbing starting anywhere. If it is u can either do like I did and use a Neem oil application. Spray tops AND bottoms! Or u could use a 1;9 isopropyl alcohol/water application n...
  7. P

    In need of a seasoned vet to help me with growing questions.

    My fault, just lookin for some help. Guess I'll have to find somewhere else to get the help I'm lookin for
  8. P

    In need of a seasoned vet to help me with growing questions.

    Even If the world wasnt goin crazy I'd never work for that side. Sorry not sorry
  9. P

    In need of a seasoned vet to help me with growing questions.

    Thank u for the kind words. I do have OCD and I catch myself trying to keep things simple. On my 2nd grow but really could use someone like ur mentor that gave u a chance. It would be so nice to have a close friend doin the samething that could swing by or give a call to. My brains usually mush...
  10. P

    In need of a seasoned vet to help me with growing questions.

    I'm having a bit of a hard time and would be great to make a fellow growing friend or 2 that I can actually talk to or video message etc.. I'm sure u can understand. Gotta cpl issues n a cpl quick questions but dont wanna write a book trying to paint a picture.
  11. P

    In need of a seasoned vet to help me with growing questions.

    I appreciate ur info. Ok, I dont know if u need the 1 first but that's the # I'm in Md
  12. P

    In need of a seasoned vet to help me with growing questions.

    Sorry Boat guy, see on my 1st grow I needed some advice. Typed a very long message, put up many pics (on this forum) and ya know what? Not 1 single person looked my way and all I needed was a little help. I dont need someone holding my hand but I do have a cpl questions and I'd really hate to...
  13. P

    In need of a seasoned vet to help me with growing questions.

    Ya got a phone # cuz like I said I really dont have time to write a book. I just wanna speak to someone. Sorry for the bother