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  • I need some help please. I do not want my email to be my display name and I cant figure out how to change it. I do not ever remember it asking for a user name when I registered. Please help.
    Hi, I'm looking for some help with my nutrients mix..i just got some feminised seeds ( white widow and Arjans ultra haze #2) im going to use GH nutrients but i dont know wich one to buy ...i got my TDS and all and im growing with a bubbleponic system. If u have a schedule that u use to use ( wat i really need is the name of their products (like floraliciousgrow...or bloom ..watever) and the mesuremtn u use for veg and flowering...i know its alot to ask but i cant find anyone that can help me with that...Thank You for u r time man.
    Hey, I have a problem with a guy on here going through my profile and being a prick and following me from post to post. I've tried Ignoring him but I would like to make it so he can't see my posts or profile. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

    oOBe RyeOo
    Hey Buddy,

    I am new here. I want to send you a private message ( a question) May I please have permission t send you a PM. The site will not let me

    Thank you !
    Should'nt you be moderating and not taking sides...i apologized you still closed the thread because of what...so theres to be no disagreements on RIU..ok...fully understood...no one threatened anyone i got called out and i responded and once again if i apologized why do you feel the need to go further with anything....absolute power corrupts absolutely!!!!
    Ha the Potroast the man the mith th legend , you are loved by all i see i guess they know you better then me

    you are doing one hell of a job
    you fucking bitch. sure you don't do shit when I complain about being insulted several times by several people but your quick to act when someone else does. go fuck youself.
    ahh potroast whats going on im miss my girl and i want her back alot of players here have bouncin tits and the ikes do you have something against buts or something

    you mentioned something like thanks for playing i only want to play when the game is fair once i know its not i dont want to play any more you feel me

    i just think all should be playingthe same game on same board by same rules not just me i want to follw rules if for everyone that would not be fair would it

    in this case im the goose and they are the ganders and you are the king but king must be fair

    my wife said i should just put it back after i had shown her the members list and then she said i should change it back and putit on the flooor if everyone else agrees but i decided to beg again first eventhough i was ignored before

    thank you for your time
    hey potroast my new friend hows things with you

    is it OK if i put my avatar back i want to follow rules but everyone should be following the same set of rules and i see all people on list i gave you still have the same avatars lots of T and A showing swinging that is what encouraged me to get mine

    why am i singled out here, it is not fair, i want to play nice but at same game as everyone else by same rules

    hi tried to pay for elite membership and it never lets me maybe im doing it wrong please let me know thanks
    Please start an autoflower section, or at least a spot for them in the grow logs. The only thing we have is the "Resource Guide" but it's getting a bit tricky navigating to everyone's logs through there sig... Thanks for any help with this. Def time for us autoflower growers to be put on the main section :D
    Hi potroast ... I could not find my thread Indoor Australis / Los ANdes SeedsCo, and opened another similar thread, please delete the thread again Indoor Australis D´l Osso. Thank you very much, muchas gracias
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