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  • I noticed you're in San Diego, I'm about 20 mins north on the coast and have never delt with this high humidity before. Where I came from I often had fairly low humidity so it's new. Any bits you can give me about drying my buds in this climate that I should consider?
    sorry dude, it got a bit heated i know. but when ppl dont listen to what i say and tell me to do things then i will tell them to do things bk, childish i know, but we all have our bad days. apoligies again.
    I'm not happy I'm getting locked out of discussions which I don't seem to have enough privileges!!!!!
    I'm not posting a lot of shit on this site & read a lot from experienced growers. I been myself growin for ova 12 years here in NZ & dont need to be locked out anywhere.
    @ years ago I was arrested for cultivating, possession, possession of equipment to cultivate & they confiscated over 20 (600w & 1000w) lamps & all the other equipment auxilliary to a successful operation. They also got 53kgs of fine indoor dope. I screwed them in court with all their lies presented & the Honorable Judge realised that they been lying & thrwn the case out - henec I'm here.
    hello potroast, i am contacting you as a result of the ban on "conepuller2299" which i assume u banned as you are a moderator that recently visited my page.
    in my about me section i wrote i am "15" which is a typo of "25"
    i am trying to appeal this permanent ban, i have sent an email regarding the matter from this accounts email address, and my old accounts address, and have also sent a message in the "contact" heading. but have no response of yet.
    is theyre anything else i can do in the attempt to un-ban my old account?
    or will my account will be lost forever due to a simple typo?
    hi potroast =]

    i was wondering if you have ever heard of taking a clone from soil, and putting it in hydro? i did so a few days ago, do you think you could stop by my thread and see if the couple small problems im having is from the transplant, or my system setup? or possibly point me in the direction of a good thread to help me out? my head n eyes are sore from reading, so i figured its time to just ask somebody... lol
    would love to have some input from someone with experience, as yourself.
    thanks any ways man =]

    look i asked that guy to leave me alone several times! the argument started when he said for me to keep my plants in a 1 gal pot... anyone with that advice needs to learn alot more bc im not growing 12 inch plants! closing my thread was bull!
    i have 3' x 3" grow room.
    I have 95 cfm fan attached to can filter which blows thru my 400watt MH lite.
    my intake comes from in duct fan 3 ft. outside my apt window.
    My heat is 87 degrees and humidity is 29%. how to cool this room down --way too hot n dry!
    Now I have something more serious for you to review.
    Please remain open minded... ( as I assume you usually do)
    The Marijuana revolution is at hand, and you are a big part of it. You have a lot of pull here, and a lot of these people trust you..... I understand that a lot of money could be diverted from large private growers, but still... I think that the organized push for legalization in this country is PATHETIC, and you, being in the position you are, are responsible for a piece of this war, like it or not. All of us are. You, though, are obviously a natural leader. How long will we wait for this to happen? It's a CONSPIRACY. And everyone with a brainstem knows it. Now, what can we do? This is the first of many messages. I'll be pleading with a new individual every day, at least twice a day, until I've talked to everyone on RIU, or I die. If I get banned, I'll make a new Account, change my ISP, anything. Why are we all so ignorant to the biggest issue in many of our lives???!?
    What does frost have to do with growing? What's its effect on budding? Just something I am curious about.
    Hey Potroast, Can you check on something for me please? Someone read on another forum that Heath Robinson had been banned on here. I was following one of his amazing threads and he just stopped posting awhile back. I was banned here "for spamming" but it was totally bogus. I'm hoping there's nothing to it. Hope everything's going great for you and your plants are doing great. Thanks bro.
    you posted something about buying some DVD

    Then you get 15 pounds from a 4 inch plant, sooo the 1 inch plant would get one fourth of that.

    could you tell me more about this DVD and how i can get that much off a 4inch plant
    bro.. why you taking sides?? I got these little kiddies sending me messages talking about my mom and shit.. which is childish and very immature.. so I ignore them.

    All these little kiddies around here do... is cause problems. Like.. for instance.. starting shit with random people.. which isn't really all that smart in my opinion. But yeah, people that act tough behind the computer screen get no respect from me what so ever. Period.

    I'll be more than happy to give any of these little shithead kiddies that like to act tough behind the computer screen.. I'd be more than happy to give them an address to meet me at.. I'm 28yrs old and I've had my ass beat before.. not scared of that.

    All I'm saying is.. is before you give someone an 'infraction'.. maybe you should get the other persons story before doing so.

    But whatever dude.. peace.
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