Recent content by realnyjuggalo23

  1. realnyjuggalo23

    dont ask i got my pc back and it still remembers this pass word for now

    dont ask i got my pc back and it still remembers this pass word for now
  2. realnyjuggalo23

    Outdoor X4

    hey skunk whuts up buddy.............???????????? plants r good... i hurt them a lil with home made bug spray but the shit worked..... whut ever was eating holes in my leaves is no more............sour is taller then i and Midnight is as tall....she isnt really growin up n e more now i believe...
  3. realnyjuggalo23

    Outdoor X4

    Having tech issues again................... I'll be back
  4. realnyjuggalo23

    Outdoor X4

    Thanx for the good info Skunk......with that being said i will leave them where they r....................... good green baby jesus i dont want n e hermies. thanx for the heads up
  5. realnyjuggalo23

    My First Legal Medical Grow

    we all knew that already..................................................................................................................................................................................................... not ne where near ne one else................... srry if i got u up and...
  6. realnyjuggalo23

    Barney's Farm - Tangerine Dream - Waterfarm!

    u da man.......................... looks amazing........................period............ tried to +rep, but i gotta share the luv a lil more before i can give u rep i guees .....soon as i can homez
  7. realnyjuggalo23

    My First Legal Medical Grow

    u's be on ur game boi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. realnyjuggalo23

    The Purps,Godbud,PK,P.Widow Grow

    how u like them treez brotha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yo the purp is lookin dank homez........mouth watering again. gonna have a moment here. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa........ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.......................aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa they r really...
  9. realnyjuggalo23

    600W Hps Waterfarm 3 Strain Scrog: Mohan Ram, Cream Caramel and Blue Widow

    Dayzt u the man.......u inspire me with this post below..............u r truly kind hearted..........our hearts bleed for them in this time of loss anger and pain and u gave them the boost i think they needed............well done............ Otter & Badger now u will have a
  10. realnyjuggalo23

    Lince's Grows and Experiments

    we miss u to migg........................ get at me some time homez.............................or come by the thread
  11. realnyjuggalo23

    Stinkbudd1's 600watts~soil~earth juice~brew tea grows!!

    No doubt Bill .............but it did my G13 Midnight Kush just fine, same with the G13 Pineapple Expess....both of those G13 plants r so much bigger then the others..........well not n e more but u know whut i mean, but the Reserva Privada Sour Kush hated that soil .............. Idk ima use...
  12. realnyjuggalo23

    Outdoor X4

    shitty heat.....................temps r too high for out door ull cook em.................sorry to hear in ny it is a great area for kush and all indi's a like............and thanx im trying hard to make this all it can be once the rain stops i'ma tye them down a bit.......
  13. realnyjuggalo23

    Outdoor X4

    i too think bigger pots will be key for my flowering stage........another month and a half or so and we will be flowering hard core.............i can wait......................2 Kush treez all 4 me....but yeah im going to have to upgrade one more time .................will it hurt much to...
  14. realnyjuggalo23

    The Purps,Godbud,PK,P.Widow Grow

    still kickin the my cam bak come through the thread gots some good pix of the treez for all to enjoy...........sorry............i'de like to have u coem by thats all
  15. realnyjuggalo23

    2011 New England Adventures

    some one come past my thread...its so dead over there as of some nice tall kush growin believe it or not....i mean tall kush treez...........