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  • I almost want to head back to K.C. just to play you now. It's alright I still love you. But I am gonna destroy you. I am gonna practice before hand just to make sure.
    LMAO! I love your confidence! Should I let you win the first one? Don't want to bruise that ego too much!
    Haha! I am all over your visitor messages. I tryed to play pool but I guess my Grandmas computer is too shitty. Have to wait till I get back home I guess. But I'm gonna play you eventually. Mark my words
    technically me and worm drafted u to our team so we all win .. ps i started a unofficial i win thread ... letting the trolls win
    hey, what ever happend to the "hottest guy on RIU" contest? i had a new pic of me eating a tab
    Thanks. I was curious. BTW have you activated the link to view conversation? It brings clarity to what at first appear to be disjointed statements.
    He is 8 years old. Hyper little fellow. Got another one that is 9 months old and 3 neices that are 4, 6 and 9
    Been nice talking to ya though. I hate not having internet. Well I got internet on my phone but wont let me log on to RIU, go figure! Talk to ya soon. Take care of yourself.
    If I spend a night with my nephew sunday I'll log on to RIU and we can watch it.Welp gotta go jump in the shower. Gonna go out and party with my brother tonight.
    Well I might be spending a night with my little nephew Sunday because hes been begging me to. If so we'll be able to watch it together.
    Haha! Every time I see your name I imagine you with that bong in your hand. When is the next episode anyway? Try to make sure I watch it with ya.
    The baby almost reminds me of Stewie a little. I don't think they showed him enough though. Maybe it will get better in the next couple episodes, I hope.
    Yeah I thought peter, brian and rest of the family guy cast was gonna be more involved with the cleveland show. Hopefully they will pop up in some of the episodes
    What up wikid? Sorry but no I didn't get to see "The cleveland show" on account my brother doesnt have cable. But I'm watching it on the link you gave me now. So what did you think of it anyway? So far it's pretty decent.
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