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  • wheres my last 2 posts to you?????? Im off to bed, be good and if you cant be very very bad...
    No it would be a totally different thread, like 'say anything you like to the person below you game' lmao....
    Why dont we just start some threads similar to those that got shut down and see what happens. I will...
    Hello my dear, hope you are happy and well. Which threads are we going to take over and 'chat' in then?
    its not a fight, i just done want you think of me like that, when its not the case, but i cant tell you what to think so its all good i guess......
    here look at this

    Wikidbchofthewst;lol, I have no idea what I'm doing or what's going on, I'll just leave it as it is.

    Wikidbchofthewest:It says I'm supposed to add 2 players this week? This is too fucking confusing and trying to figure it out with this screen full of this fucking grid with these players and all these numbers is bringing down my fucking high!

    I give up.

    "SICC" well before you give up, i sent you a couple trades, accept them please :)

    Wikidbchofthewst I accepted the trade Sicc, but I have no idea if that was a good trade or not! Are you just fucking with me? :???:

    "SICC" well i thought you quite haha, didnt know you were still gonna play :lol:

    shit i'll have to try and get em bac to you then, my bad haha

    Wikidbchofthewst Really? That wasn't very nice :sad:

    But whatever. I'm done.

    wow i cant believe you would really think that, from all people, what do i have to gain to sit here and lie to you?

    to try and win some game that isnt for anything....

    if you actually read the thread, then maybe you'll were im coming from, but you got all mad and just unsubscribed and deleted your team,

    i dont even know what to say i cant believe im really even having this conversation with you about ME wanted to cheat YOU over
    why did you delete your team? your first said you wanted to quite, but after i said i can get you your players bac, i wasn't trying to play you or trick you into anything, you read jordons posts but obviously missed mine :(
    I can't even find it. lol. It must have been deleted completely....

    you don't know which mod it was that deleted it? You should ask whoever
    did why....
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