Well-Known Member
It's funny,you all believe any thing dems and legacy blows your way.
That you believe that bullshit isn’t funny, it’s tragic
I remember the “conservatives” cutting their base off from real news back in the 80s: don’t listen to them god-hating liberals, they’re demonic, they hate America, too - and all they do is lie, so don’t listen to them. Listen to US - *we* know what they mean, *we* know what they’re doing, we’ll spell it out & explain it to you…and so many earnest republicans swallowed every bit of outrage, accusation, & character assassination the libertarian ‘think tanks’ & the Murdoch fake-news machine churned out.
You believe we swallow everything we’re told by “our side” because that’s what you do: you believe your side is RIGHT and you accept what they tell you without looking at it hard because you want to believe it’s true…because you want it to BE true
Because, if it *isn’t* true, you’ve screwed the national pooch by putting that man back in power
Remember the 64 times Trump’s stolen-election scam suits were thrown out of court for lack of evidence? Remember him suggesting the Constitution be abrogated to keep him in office?Remember Trump lying non-stop during the “debates” w/ Biden & Harris?You do remember those times they lied dead straight to our faces? You remember that right?
You remember that, right?
Willing to bet you’ve never tried to get to the bottom of *anything* Trumpland has told you, or Reaganland before that; willing to bet you’ve never tried to find flaws in their arguments
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