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  1. $bkbbudz$

    Help this noob!

  2. $bkbbudz$

    1 male and 1 female.... I think

    Questions are a good thing and can be very helpful...when the answer is accepted in the manner it was given...graciously. And after all that B.S. if you have questions and I can be of help...feel free to ask. If not that's cool...I am not an all knowing all growing guru. I am just another guy...
  3. $bkbbudz$

    Update on my first grow

    See now you've got a problem...Cannabis is in itself not addicting. However, cultivating it is...and can be quite expensive. You have a talent as I said before. So, you will not be satisfied with the yield from this harvest...although I am sure it will be great. As growerz we are never...
  4. $bkbbudz$

    Update on my first grow

    Looks good!!! Personally, I like to grow from feminized seeds...eliminates the 'ballz' issue. You have a talent for growing healthy plants...keep it growing! As for estimating harvest...that is like guessing how tall an infant child is going to be when it grows up. If you keep it healthy and...
  5. $bkbbudz$

    1 male and 1 female.... I think

    Well, if my reply was what you feel is a negative response than you are obviously extremely sensitive and thin skinned. But...that is all I will say on this subject...Hopefully a mod will come in and zap this whole abomination of a thread. :peace:
  6. $bkbbudz$

    1 male and 1 female.... I think

    I fail to see how saying you grew some healthy green plants and that you grow good weed is bashing you in any way. if you took some time to read around will see 2 things.1. that I am extremely willing to help and encourage new growers...ask ANY member. Second, You will also see many...
  7. $bkbbudz$

    1 male and 1 female.... I think

    uhhh...ok. Sorry if someone dropped a house on your sister this morning. I was trying to be helpful and harm intended. Have a nice day.
  8. $bkbbudz$

    Please help a newbie out !

    Oh...and: Welcome to RIU, and the wonderful world of cultivating the world's most misunderstood and feared medicines!!! The only 'advice' I can give you or anyone is to read and learn and then apply what you have read and learned to your garden and you cannot fail. Anyways, remember the search...
  9. $bkbbudz$

    Please help a newbie out ! get others Good Luck to you and yourz
  10. $bkbbudz$

    1 male and 1 female.... I think

    Well the original question was certainly more than correctly answered. So, I will just make an encouraging statement. From what I can see they are both healthy and green. This tells me that you can grow weed...even good weed. Now, you can continue to 'have fun with it' and that is cool and all...
  11. $bkbbudz$

    My first grow, Pics! Critiques welcome and appreciated!

    In organic soil I would continue to water sparingly for at least 2-3 more weeks until fully rooted and stable... especially in that much organic soil. In general, I have seen more organic growerz start in a seedling mix prior to transplanting into an organic medium which is usually inherently...
  12. $bkbbudz$

    My first grow, Pics! Critiques welcome and appreciated!

    Looks good! Hmmm... roots grow has been my experience that the top of the soil should stay reasonably dry. Wet top soil can bring fungus gnat issues. I water pretty sparingly at seedling stage. Just enough to keep the roots moist but still dry enough to encourage growth. Just my...
  13. $bkbbudz$

    Will the browning of pistils effect yield

    My question is...why do you need a fungicide? Pics?
  14. $bkbbudz$


    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^What he said.
  15. $bkbbudz$

    Help a newbie please

    Righteous, spot on, bullseye, you said it brotha...
  16. $bkbbudz$

    Help a newbie please

    Yuppers,yep, uh-huh, right, sure...I like it.
  17. $bkbbudz$

    Help a newbie please

    Generally a plant will double in size in the first 3-4 weeks in flowering. So yeah more height coming up.
  18. $bkbbudz$

    Spider Mites at Harvest......

    HMMMM...2 things...1st...all living things excrete waste in one form or another. Personally, I am not crazy about the thought of inhaling mite shit. Now, a possible practical solution may be to get some twine and soak both ends of it in sugar water. String the twine through the budz. The mites...
  19. $bkbbudz$

    Help a newbie please

    yuppers...uh huh...sure...right....I like it. OP...if this were my plant I would start here:...
  20. $bkbbudz$

    What am I doing wrong??

    Gee America we imagine a seedbank on every corner with the way that they advertise over there! LOL!. I have used a few banks. My personal faves are Discreet Seeds... free seeds with every order even if you only buy 1. In fact, I ordered one seed and got 2 freebies. I did business for...