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  1. bicit

    Flowering under low PPFD levels

    I'm doing something similar. 8 cobs over a 2x4, not perfectly centered over each square foot, but close. Aiming for about 700ppfd after lens losses.
  2. bicit

    ***The 7th Official Party Cup Grow Competition Thread***

    It's no fun if there isn't a little bit of shit talking....
  3. bicit

    Mau5Capades: builds & grow journal

    Do you know if BJB has any plans to make a 35xx line of holders?
  4. bicit

    ***The 7th Official Party Cup Grow Competition Thread***

    Sadly I haven't updated it just yet. I'll have it all good to go when I make my initial post tomorrow.
  5. bicit

    ***The 7th Official Party Cup Grow Competition Thread***

    Im going to be topping my specimens this time. Worth a shot.
  6. bicit

    Screw In LED for Residential Lighting

    @robincnn I think you could offer some valuable input on this?
  7. bicit

    Permanent marker on heatsink behind cob

    Soap, wipe, water, wipe, alcohol, wipe. Mineral spirits, acetone, or degreaser would be my next bet. If that doesn't work hit it with a palm sander. Realistically, it probably won't effect much if you leave it on there. but may as well do it right.
  8. bicit

    Permanent marker on heatsink behind cob

    Dawn dish soap and rubbing alcohol. I clean and prep using those then use gloves to prevent leaving any oil residue behind. Apply your TIM to the cob and spread it out till you have a nice, thin, even layer. My advice.
  9. bicit

    CXB3590 1500W

    Put the LED's under a lens. Problem solved :P I ain't stealing nuffin. :bigjoint:
  10. bicit

    Screw In LED for Residential Lighting

    I think that was a limited run item. I haven't seen anymore of those two pack of philips bulbs back in stock at any of the home depots for a while. They were 2700k only, but they work rather nice for the price. I usually spring for 3000k or 5000k Philips bulbs since the glass globe crees are...
  11. bicit

    CXB3590 1500W

    Using traditional heatsinks or water blocks? It would be interesting to see the LED's tied into one of your cooling loops.
  12. bicit

    ...All Things Vero...

    It doesn't look as nice, but doesn't effect anything. Just make sure you don't drill into one of the fins. It can bugger them up a bit.
  13. bicit

    Did you know... (led)

    Combine it with the latest solar panels on the walls and you won't even need a driver. It'll run itself, just got to kick start the reaction.
  14. bicit

    Mau5Capades: builds & grow journal

    This is true. The 12"x32" heatsink I've got on order is already 20lbs. Though REALSTYLES tents seem to be holding up with everything hung off them. I'm going to wager to guess it's because their products are a pain in the ass to find in stock with a MOQ under 100 pieces. That's my biggest...
  15. bicit

    Mau5Capades: builds & grow journal

    This is true, but so does a giant hunk of aluminum. Personally Im mostly looking at the simpler maintenance and better protection they offer. Foiler feeding around my bare emitters is troubling. While you're here I had a question for you mr @Greengenes707 . I was wondering if you have had a...
  16. bicit

    Project Overkill

    Looks good, 3070's or 3590's?
  17. bicit

    DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

    I have had pretty good luck using trig to predict the footprint from a lens. It's only approximate though, since the foot print will vary depending on the size of the LES and it's distance from the lens.
  18. bicit

    Mau5Capades: builds & grow journal

    I've been leaning towards using lenses as well. I'm leaning towards the glass ones from china just due to availability.
  19. bicit

    CXB3590 1500W

    Supra, what method do you use when applying thermal paste? I've been doing some experimenting with MX-2, some 3590's, and some acrylic sheet. So far the best visual results I've had was from applying two evenly spaced parallel lines using between .2 to .3 grams of thermal paste then spreading...
  20. bicit

    Thinking about LED

    What pray tell is that even supposed to mean exactly? Agreeing with a statement makes one a parrot now days? Cheap chinese panels blurple panels don't work as well as hps. I agree with the notion that there is no point in spending money on any light source that will not meet or beat hps...