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    PH adjustment

    You can use coca cola or coffee for a ph down, antacids or milk of magnesia for ph up. As long as you put in enough to bring the ph to the goldilocks zone the microbes won't mind. Don't expect the ph for the soil to stay at the adjusted level for long, though. But what about that 5.5 RO? Are you...
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    Using pH up to raise soil ph

    I just want to know if watering let's say a 5.5 soil with 8.5 water will correct pH issues in the short term. Any one know?
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    Using pH up to raise soil ph

    justugh, thanks for your reply. He uses an ro filter but his water comes in at 7.5. It is easily neutrilized. There definitely is a larger problem. He has plants in 10 gallon pots but usually waters with about a half gallon. He pHs his water to 6.4 every time he feeds. He uses a nute line that...
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    Using pH up to raise soil ph

    Hi everyone. A friend of mine has an acidic soil (5.4). We are having a discussion about how to raise it quickly. We would like to use a pH up, which is composed of calcium carbonate, and flush with 8.2 water. Is this an acceptable idea? We have discussed using fine dolomite lime but we feel...
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    What's it like to smoke all cbd weed?

    I've smoked acdc and remedy. I got them both from the seattle cloners market so I hope they are what the say they are. I gotta say I liked smoking them. In my experience they didn't get me high. I would feel like I was getting high, but once I got up the the top of the curve I'd realize I wasn't...
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    Opinions about smoked CBD

    Hi everyone. For the past year I've been interested in high CBD strains and I've managed to snag a few. I have two strains with 1:1 ratios of THC to CBD, and two with (≈0):1 THC to CBD. I suffer from anxiety disorder and ADD so I was excited to add CBD to my medication cocktail. I take Ritalin...
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    6 year olds killed it

    Treat it like a cutting. Soak it in purified water, then transfer it to another bowl of purified water, then put it in some moist potting soil and give it a ziplock humidity dome. That male sprout will be back in no time!
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    Yellow Spots / Rust

    We are all just stoners with internet connections lol. Rust spots from sunburns don't heal. As long as you're not seeing more and more spots it was probably drops of water from spray or watering.
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    Ganja Dwarf deficiency problems?

    It's a nitrogen issue, but is it because the soil lacks nitrogen per weight of soil, or because there isn't enough soil? You could seriously just cut an extra big hole on the bottom of your pot, then put that pot on top of another pot of soil. Just water the bottom pot more than the top one and...
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    Someone wanna try this for science?!?!?!?!?

    What's the difference between EO water and H202? Does oxygenated in this case mean there is more dissolved oxygen? Oxidized chemicals? Or Oxygen radicals?
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    New to this Tiny PC Stealth Grow ( needing advice )

    I can't really tell by that picture but your girl might be root bound. When they get root bound they show signs of a lot of deficiencies because the amount of root they have can't support the amount of shoots. If you pull the plant out and its roots hold the shape of the container, switch to a...
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    How do I get rid of Fungus Gnats?

    I couldn't have said it better myself. Since you have fungus gnats, don't overwater or it will exacerbate the fungus gnat problem. You'll have this happen where some people say one thing and some say another. If I were you I'd just try each method on different plants so as to see for yourself...
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    Nitrogen Magnesium or calcium deficiency????

    I vote for over watering. Plant roots don't develop hairs in constantly damp soil. The plant doesn't get enough of anything from the roots in that case, leading to many deficiencies. Water is only a medium for molecules to pass through the root membrane. The minimum water is the best water...
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    How do I get rid of Fungus Gnats?

    Fungus gnats tell you that you over water. They follow the composting process not poor little roots. What you need to do is figure out how to keep your soil from composting. The answer is usually water way less often. I've had my issues with them and another trick I like is to put 2-sided tape...
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    New to this Tiny PC Stealth Grow ( needing advice )

    If you have access to other seeds or clones I'd say take your time setting up the PC grow of your dreams and start fresh, mite free. If you don't think you'll be able to get news ones I'd say transplant them after completely removing any and all soil from them, washing then rinsing the shoot...
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    Leaves turning yellow and crispy from the center out?

    In a 10 gallon pot it would be very easy to over water it. That reminds me of root rot or fungus gnats... or fungus gnats munching on root rot. What do you guys thinks? Let's assume he didn't pour windex in it.
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    Early flower problems, all help welcome and appreciated

    Since it looks like a magnesium thing you should foliar spray at least. Since you added a base to the soil you should really check the pH if you want to rule out pH as the long term issue. I wonder if your initial problem was simply mag-def but in your effort to fix it you upset your soil pH to...
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    Is this Tobacco Mosaic Virus? Tiger-stripe camo pattern on my leaves!

    Fellahs, you all need to calm down, maybe smoke some weed ;) Maybe there is an enzyme in cow milk that inactivates the virus. I'll spray one plant, water (after pHing with aspirin) and spray another, and spray a third. I'll spray two others with miticides, and flush two others. We will get to...
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    Is this Tobacco Mosaic Virus? Tiger-stripe camo pattern on my leaves!

    Ha! Thank you. That looks different than mine but it's a different species and all. I could see it being that if my plants have it all over not just here and there.