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  1. Grow So High

    Day 36 flower - Purps #1 clones

    Looks great! Got any pics right before flower?
  2. Grow So High

    Help indoor cheap auto

    I would wait like 3-4 weeks before adding more bat guano powder because that soil is pretty rich in bat guano and it should last you a bit longer
  3. Grow So High

    Help indoor cheap auto

    What kind of soil are you using?
  4. Grow So High

    Help indoor cheap auto

    The fact that it’s made it through that is a great sign that it’s going to be fine, you probably slowed the growth a little which may affect your end yield since it’s an auto. At this point just try to keep the environment consistent, don’t over water and you’ll be good
  5. Grow So High

    Is this Elmer’s Glue a Hermie?? :(

    If you’ve found seeds, it is a hermie and it will pollinate your other plants turning them hermie, I would get it out of there asap. The pollen would likely stick around in your tent it is extremely hard to control
  6. Grow So High

    Help indoor cheap auto

    When you say you put them through some shit what do you mean? Any kind of stress this early will likely slow the growth but it doesn’t look bad
  7. Grow So High

    Ventilation question

    Sorry for the late response. Yes please close that flap lol you do not want any light leaks at this stage. Depending on how big your ducting is compared to your exhaust it should be just fine.
  8. Grow So High

    Leaves slightly yellowing/browning

    This is completely normal to happen at this stage. The first set of leaves will die off, this is not a sign of deficiency. Now if you see discoloration in the newer growth that’s when you may have problems. Looks great!
  9. Grow So High

    Drying room, closet or tents?!?

    If you’ve outgrown a 4x6 you might want to just use an entire room lol I prefer tents because it’s easier to control the environment for me but seems like you are growing a bit more plants than me haha
  10. Grow So High

    Orange hairs in week 5 of flower

    You ever think that people have different strategies and thoughts on growing? If you think there is one way to grow and if everyone doesn’t follow it then they are “stupid” and need to learn you might wanna look in the mirror when you call someone stupid
  11. Grow So High

    Fan CFM setting for tent (+ filter & ducting)

    To be honest it seems like you have it pretty much figured out. I run a 4x4 with a 400 cfm exhaust fan. Filter/fan/ducting inside the tent with no smell until the tent is open. I like your idea with putting rubber gaskets on the doors and windows. Based on your situation I think it wouldn’t be a...
  12. Grow So High

    Growing in the tropics

    True Sativas do take a lot longer to flower. Anywhere from 16 weeks + it all depends on the strain
  13. Grow So High

    Orange hairs in week 5 of flower

    To me it looks just fine, pretty normal for this to happen around this time in flower. You’ll know if you fried them if the top of the bud starts to have a white hue to it compared to the lower buds, means your light is too intense. Your pistols changing this color is not a sign of that.
  14. Grow So High

    Is this cal mag def. or lockout

    on your next watering ph down lower than usually maybe like 6.5 to help bring the soil’s PH down. Don’t freak out too much yet I’ve seen much worse lol
  15. Grow So High

    Is this cal mag def. or lockout

    Lockout in my opinion. If it’s getting worse you may want to considering doing a flush with just straight water. Definitely do not add more nutes
  16. Grow So High


    I’m growing this as well! Glad to see someone else with his genetics on here
  17. Grow So High

    I Transplanted and SCROG at the same time.

    That’s awesome! There probably was no transplant shock which means you did it correctly without damaging the roots
  18. Grow So High

    Brown layer of gunk at the bottom of cannabutter?

    Just realized I messed up my reply lol but my response is in there