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  1. ~MoE~

    So .. SWIM has problems

    I know man iv looked everywhere and nothing even close swim should have taken a pic , I thought at first it may have been mild nut burn but not a single leaf tip was burnt or curled
  2. ~MoE~

    So .. SWIM has problems

    Hay guys, well its been another long summer an its starting to cool down and everything was going great antill swim discovered something odd happening to 2 of his girls, that night all looking fine nice white hairs (pistols) and also that night it rained afair bit after the night swim when an...
  3. ~MoE~

    Anybody Raise Animals For Food?

    ummm yerrrr ok..........?
  4. ~MoE~

    Anybody Raise Animals For Food?

    hay man chooks are good man easy and simple.... u get eggs and they kill snakes and the shit is really good for your lawn.... let the chook shit build and get a rack spread it around your yard and water it in a few weeks later you will have the greenish lawn.... pigs are a huge pain in da ass...
  5. ~MoE~

    The Fish Thread

    dude thats a wicked looking fish man... real colourful looking fish
  6. ~MoE~

    Finger up the arse blowjob.

    dude thats messed up lol ..... cant say as i blame for ending it.... never know tho bro.... u might of liked it..... j/k man lol :)
  7. ~MoE~

    How much bud to get a good batch of butter???

    hay man .... you going to need need more then a quarter..... use one full oz per stick of butter..... also use fatty butter no light low fat shit
  8. ~MoE~

    Finger up the arse blowjob.

    fuck that shit..... i dont think men love it that much.... i mean u must be abit gay to enjoy a blowjob while being finger fucked up the ass ......
  9. ~MoE~

    hash brownies

    my advice is too make strong cannabutter ( 3-4 oz leaf ) ( 1-2 oz of bud ) a full stick of of the fattyest butter u can find.... no light butter shit u need the fat in the butter for the thc to stick too.... when making cannabutter the longer u let it boil the better it will be..... once you...
  10. ~MoE~

    Finger up the arse blowjob.

    yerrrr...... i dont think its something i would try....... i would feel kinda gay if it were to happen to me........ i like just a normal good old sucking..... :)
  11. ~MoE~

    Phone call

    yes another typical urca thread..... might be half interesting alteast......
  12. ~MoE~

    marijuana alternitives...

  13. ~MoE~

    Hi Friends

    Hay mate welcome to RIU.... sounds like things are pretty good your way..... anyway mate plenty of useful info on this site mate ..... hopw to see you around ...... maybe a journal when things are up and running .........?
  14. ~MoE~

    Another new hydro grower here

    Hay mate welcome to RIU .... any pics mate ......??
  15. ~MoE~


    Hay mate welcome to RIU ..... any pics bro........? anyways good luck with things..... pretty on useful info here if u ever run into abit of trouble with the girls......
  16. ~MoE~

    Greener times ahead!

    Hay ryan bro welcome to RIU man..... u doing indoor or out ....??? hope to see ya around man
  17. ~MoE~

    How am I looking here?

    Very nice looking plants man...... welcome to RIU man... u will find tons of useful info here........ but by the looks of things u got it going good....... hope to see you around
  18. ~MoE~

    Do you dye your hair?

    hahaha........... i dont dye my hair either........ i like it black.......... lol pictures out of the question??????????
  19. ~MoE~

    What's Up World!

  20. ~MoE~

    Myles here checking in :D

    lol it dosnt that much to make me laught either....... prob cos were stoned all the time .....