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  1. Edwardo Ruffian

    4x4 Full tent, 1000W First Grow

    Thank you much! taking these photos with a Canon EOS Rebel T5i. I shoot in RAW with the HPS then edit in Photoshop to correct the color, it gets pretty close to natural, but everything always ends up lighter than in real life. I've thought about offering to edit others photos, because honestly...
  2. Edwardo Ruffian

    4x4 Full tent, 1000W First Grow

    Alrighty guys, girls, and zimzers we are starting week 12 from seed and we are 32 days since first sign of pistils. I am now feeding full flowering nutrients (Fox Farm Tiger Bloom) and the girls seem to really like it, I've seen no evidence of leaf tip burn, to avoid burn in an all soil grow I'm...
  3. Edwardo Ruffian

    4x4 Full tent, 1000W First Grow

    Thanks! and i'm only at day 32 of flower
  4. Edwardo Ruffian

    Leaves yellowing too fast in flower?

    I'm using 5 gallon pots and have been watering 1 gallon per plant per feeding/watering, every other day since week 2 of flower. stretched I to 3 and the pot is bone dry. Also using cloth pots they drain/breathe very well.:cool:
  5. Edwardo Ruffian

    Leaves yellowing too fast in flower?

    I agree with this, rings the K.I.S.S. bell in my head. I would like to add, i'm only using Fox Farm trio at like 60% recommended doses on bottle. My next round I might wait till the plant actually shows me it needs nutrients. Using organic soils though everything is delayed and buffered, so...
  6. Edwardo Ruffian

    Small Spaces, Cheap Lights, Little Training, and BIG YEILDS.

    all the Home Depots in Colorado have grow sections as well, everything is so expensive lol.
  7. Edwardo Ruffian

    Leaves yellowing too fast in flower?

    I used 100% Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil since seed. I've used 5ml/gal Big Bloom since week 2.5 from seed every other feeding. In conjunction with that I used their vegetative nutrient Grow Big approaching 10ml/gal in week 4-5 through week 6-7. I started using Tiger Bloom slowly at first 5ml/gal...
  8. Edwardo Ruffian

    4x4 Full tent, 1000W First Grow

    Little picture update. Maintaining my feed at 10ml/gal Tiger Bloom, 10ml/gal Big Bloom, 2tsp blackstrap molasses, 1ml/gal Cal-Mag. The ladies seem to be happy, yellowing and losing under canopy vegetation I think that's to be expected though as they don't get much light, and by then it's pretty...
  9. Edwardo Ruffian

    4x4 Full tent, 1000W First Grow

    Thank you, other than a girl turning on me and doing a small bit of pollinating, things are going well.
  10. Edwardo Ruffian

    4x4 Full tent, 1000W First Grow

    Hello All, I started this round on 11/30/17, germinated 9 bag seeds in between two paper towels in a zip lock bag and sitting on a heat mat. All seeds popped within 1.5 days and were planted tap root down in ffof (Fox Farm Ocean Forest) in a seedling tray with humidity dome, watered in with RO...
  11. Edwardo Ruffian

    Too early to flower?

    But i'm also interested in the answer, as I'm in the same boat as you, not sure when to flip.
  12. Edwardo Ruffian

    Too early to flower?

    I'm pretty new, but without more information I don't think any accurate help can be given. From what I understand some strains can grow up to 3 times veg height. Also if you plan to blast them with 1000w of HPS would be different if you used a lower wattage HPS or LED or such. I'm sure if you...
  13. Edwardo Ruffian

    Any cheap quiet way to increase low humidity? Stealth grow

    Hey grassy007, after looking on amazon and doing internet searches was unable to find the website of Plemo or the coupon to get the humidifier for the $14 price.
  14. Edwardo Ruffian cfl deal, (12) 13,20,23 watt.

    Good deal on cfl's,
  15. Edwardo Ruffian

    Ofcourse i have a indoor session going...

    I dig your praying mantis.
  16. Edwardo Ruffian

    Legalisation: Why The Idea SUCKS

    Here is a link to the patent mentioned.
  17. Edwardo Ruffian

    The immediate effects of Amendment 64 (CO) on the black market

    Under I-502 in Washington after Dec. 6th 2012 (the deadline for the Gov. to ratify the revised code) an ounce of dried cannabis, 72oz of infused liquids and 16 oz of infused cannabis if solid form (food stuffs) will be legal under state law. The Washington State Liquor Control Board has until...
  18. Edwardo Ruffian

    Why did the marijuana bill NOT make it on the 2012 ballot in California?

    There aren't enough cannabis sympathizers to get "like tomatoes" legalization passed in any state. The idea that you won't have to make compromises is just silly. The 75 years since Reefer Madness have instilled in the public a certain negative association with cannabis, which at it's best...
  19. Edwardo Ruffian

    US Govt. has new petition website... Guess what's topping the list?

    For those that don't know or haven't heard yet. The US government created a website recently where United States citizens can create and sign petitions. Currently when the signatures reach 5,000 the site will forward the petition to the pertinent legislative body, who will then provide a...