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  1. ginwilly

    Donald Trump

    Yeah I would expect Trump to act that way and be shocked if he didn't. The funniest scab worker story I know is courtesy of Michael Moore. During his filming of Capitalism a Love Story he moved location to avoid having to hire union workers.
  2. ginwilly

    First Democratic Debate on Tue. Oct. 13, You guys tuning in?

    You should be able to destroy the point I made then. You criticize the pub congress for not doing enough when you know you wouldn't approve of anything they do. There's a word for that... "I sure wish they would do more shit that I hate" or "That party that I would never vote for is not doing...
  3. ginwilly

    First Democratic Debate on Tue. Oct. 13, You guys tuning in?

    I work in healthcare so it added a bunch more administrative work for me personally. What it did to the rest of the country was spend all of the health care equity we had on a shitty bill, so now doing something to actually dismantle the insurance/big pharma/hospital corp trinity of power is...
  4. ginwilly

    Income Inequality - Dem Candidates

    If Trump is campaigning against income equality and preaching share the wealth, then by all means, he'd be a hypocrite otherwise.
  5. ginwilly

    First Democratic Debate on Tue. Oct. 13, You guys tuning in?

    lol I'd rather they sit home than pass bills like the Patriot Act and the ACA and then be told how wonderful every thing is. What I was questioning was your desire for a congress run by the party you obv hate to pass more laws? How stupid is that? Shouldn't you be happy the people you disagree...
  6. ginwilly

    First Democratic Debate on Tue. Oct. 13, You guys tuning in?

    Just my opinion B4L, but I'd prefer the least amount of new laws passed as possible. In fact, give me a congress that undoes more than it does and I'll show you a congress I can support. I need help understanding the thought process that says the congress that passes the most new laws is the...
  7. ginwilly

    First Democratic Debate on Tue. Oct. 13, You guys tuning in?

    A fun exercise with lefties, especially those here, is to ask for solutions that don't involve other people's money. It's fine if you use your own for the solution or use none, the only catch is you can't use others. They come up with nadda. They get that confused dog look like "that's...
  8. ginwilly

    First Democratic Debate on Tue. Oct. 13, You guys tuning in?

    Well, we've tripled the budget this century, how much more do we need? 10X, 100X? What's the magic number where there is enough money to overcome the actual problems? Never seen a lefty who didn't think they could solve every problem with other people's money. Such shallow thinking. It's always...
  9. ginwilly

    Bring back the draft

    It's 14 in China. They are doing population control too. Forget where it was but one country was 14 unless you were gay, then it was 18 and another that if your dad said no, it was 21. AC pulls the pedo thing when he gets frustrated with facts. I've watched him do it to RR for a year now...
  10. ginwilly

    Bring back the draft

    Nope, I'm using it as an example of how stupid arbitrary central planning is, no surprise that went over your head. Bumfuck MI was funny. That Ambassador Bridge is just some random border crossing, lol you sound dumber with each post. At what age does nature say we are ready for sex? Can you...
  11. ginwilly

    Bring back the draft

    In some places a 13 year old can legally consent. I'm not surprised you didn't know that. My sweet spot is late 20's early 30's, I don't have an affection for teens, but if I did and I was in Japan, it would be legal. Here's the kicker, I don't even have to be Japanese, just be in that...
  12. ginwilly

    2014 was definitely the hottest year on record

    You should stop putting words in my mouth and accept the shit that was coming from yours for what it was. You simply didn't understand and was wrong. You were not really bright enough to figure it out so you dug in and doubled down. You got laughed at. You tried to change what was actually said...
  13. ginwilly

    First Democratic Debate on Tue. Oct. 13, You guys tuning in?

    They are too busy claiming it's what we were told it was instead of what it really is, so we'll never be able to fix it, because they can't admit it's broken. Seriously though, that capital is spent for at least a generation. We had the perfect opportunity to do something meaningful, instead we...
  14. ginwilly

    2014 was definitely the hottest year on record

    I don't understand your struggle, but I'll try to help. 2014 - 48% 2010,2013,2005, or 1998 52%. If X + Y + Z + R + P= 100 then 100 - X = Y + Z + R + P you follow how that works? Is 52% more or less than 48%? And thanks man, I was kinda bored.
  15. ginwilly

    2014 was definitely the hottest year on record

    the field
  16. ginwilly

    2014 was definitely the hottest year on record

    Is that what you see? I see religious fanatics spouting false claims and calling it science. Seriously, look how bad AC is murdering math and probability and try not to laugh. I challenge you to not ignore what he's doing here and realize how much people like him hurt the argument. "science...
  17. ginwilly

    2014 was definitely the hottest year on record

    lol it adds up to 100!!! It's 48% chance it was 2014, 52% chance it was one of the other years mentioned. That's why it adds up to 100. If it was one of those other years, then it was either tied with 2014 or hotter because their probability was >0. This means there's a chance..... If it were...
  18. ginwilly

    2014 was definitely the hottest year on record

    The field You may not understand odds and betting and how that works. I think if you did you'd be really embarrassed right now.
  19. ginwilly

    First Democratic Debate on Tue. Oct. 13, You guys tuning in?

    lol pubs didn't control diddly shit when that pos bill was passed. If the pubs did pass a one sized fits all shitty plan, there is no doubt it would have also been a payoff to hospital corp, big pharma and insurance. The only difference is, more people would realize we were duped and sold out.