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  1. ginwilly

    Official Lolbertarian thread. Discuss the benefits of No goverment

    What do you require? You want vehicle counts? You want interviews with people who say yes, I actually benefited from a privately owned product and I'm not the owner? Seems like common sense would rule out here and you would realize that people DO benefit other than the owner and you are talking...
  2. ginwilly

    First Democratic Debate on Tue. Oct. 13, You guys tuning in?

    I was picturing the SNL skit while watching and thought the same thing. He's a goldmine of unintentional comedy.
  3. ginwilly

    Official Lolbertarian thread. Discuss the benefits of No goverment

    Yes, but you said without government... turns out demand is all you need, whodathunkit?
  4. ginwilly

    Official Lolbertarian thread. Discuss the benefits of No goverment

    Yes, government's solution (tunnel) is not as easy to navigate or efficient as the private sector solution (bridge) so the government helps the private owner. I'm with you in the criticizing of crony-capitalism. The tunnel is much more stop and go, the bridge flows pretty smoothly most of the...
  5. ginwilly

    Official Lolbertarian thread. Discuss the benefits of No goverment

    wait, let me role play as a statist. He didn't grow that!! it was water and soil that was there already and he had to take a road that would only be possible by government to get to the market. Also, without government, his truck he drove would have been unsafe and exploded because truck...
  6. ginwilly

    Official Lolbertarian thread. Discuss the benefits of No goverment

    nope, there is a tunnel that is publicly owned but it's a longer wait. Most people choose the bridge at something like 4 to 1. Keep flailing though you statist you, your almighty government has done some good things, but people have done way more for people than government has. It's funny...
  7. ginwilly

    First Democratic Debate on Tue. Oct. 13, You guys tuning in?

    lol's at the grandma line, wp man.
  8. ginwilly

    First Democratic Debate on Tue. Oct. 13, You guys tuning in?

    I'm not the one making the claim of budget cuts while tripling the actual numbers and then blaming one party for something that isn't happening. Spending is not what's wrong with our VA system. A political party is not what's wrong with the VA system. Hack away though and pretend you are not...
  9. ginwilly

    Official Lolbertarian thread. Discuss the benefits of No goverment

    The Ambassador Bridge is privately owned. It benefits people who live in Windsor but work in Detroit or vice versa. It benefits the owner sure, he's a friggen billionaire in spite of what cheezy says, but it beats the hell out of swimming across the Detroit River to get to work. So I'd say...
  10. ginwilly

    First Democratic Debate on Tue. Oct. 13, You guys tuning in?

    Then why has the budget kept increasing instead of decreasing? Is this you being non-partisan?
  11. ginwilly

    First Democratic Debate on Tue. Oct. 13, You guys tuning in?

    But you pointed out something that wasn't even in the ballpark of true and went partisan instead. You talked about the pubs slashing funding as to what is wrong with the system when the truth is funding has tripled. So yeah, that's called hackery. I understand not supporting the gop though...
  12. ginwilly

    First Democratic Debate on Tue. Oct. 13, You guys tuning in?

    Hard to pinpoint when it aaalllll started, but when we decided putting mentally ill in homes was cruel and put them out on the street instead, it definitely hurt. Think of the way Vietnam vets were looked at and treated in this country. They were spit on when returned, demonized and call baby...
  13. ginwilly

    Official Lolbertarian thread. Discuss the benefits of No goverment

    Imagine if we had gone high speed rails for the people instead of a transport system for the military. Our way of doing transportation in this country would be completely different. Our contribution to GW would be so much less. Once that highway system was in place, a high-speed rail system...
  14. ginwilly

    First Democratic Debate on Tue. Oct. 13, You guys tuning in?

    See how easy that was? You identified a problem and posed a solution without going all hacky. The VA used to house a lot of our mentally ill too and most of those have been converted to meeting rooms or sold to local colleges. So the spending has tripled, but the services have dwindled. Still...
  15. ginwilly

    First Democratic Debate on Tue. Oct. 13, You guys tuning in?

    It's simple math. Before 9/11 the VA budget was 45B a year, now it's over 150B. It's tripled in a little over a decade but you keep insisting something that's not there. But yes, we do like our shiny new weapons. So glad the dems ended all of the wars so we don't need them anymore. The...
  16. ginwilly

    Official Lolbertarian thread. Discuss the benefits of No goverment

    Not me. The highway system was built to transport military equipment and personnel in case we are attacked here. I think a high-speed rail system would have been much better money spent. The costs for the highway system was widely criticized for coming in over 300% projections. That can't...
  17. ginwilly

    First Democratic Debate on Tue. Oct. 13, You guys tuning in?

    The VA has been a shitty alternative for veterans for over 30 years, we in the medical community have been bitching for decades. It's not a right problem or a left problem. It's not a money problem, we've more than doubled the VA budget in the last 10 years and this is while the WWII vets are...
  18. ginwilly

    Obama is gonna get on TV in an hour...

    He has no choice but to spend another decade there because BUSH!! If Bush hadn't invaded Iraq, there would be world peace and no global warming, Obama is just trying to fix his mess the best he can while being obstructed by the evil republicans who would rather see the world end than give Obama...
  19. ginwilly

    First Democratic Debate on Tue. Oct. 13, You guys tuning in?

    Why would you say that tty? Who's done more for the veterans than McCain? Which party was the VA debacle brought to lite and what was done about it while the dems were in charge? Both parties suck when it comes to our veterans, but some individuals don't. Those individuals are in both parties...