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  1. febisfebi

    Why do some guys wats to still use mono led with cobs?

    I'm glad to hear you got your COB setup up and running, im sorry to hear you are having trouble, sounds like you have them setup how your supposed to for proper distribution. I'm curious though, are you seeing odd trends on your plants, or just not getting the horsepower you were expecting? I...
  2. febisfebi

    Ventilation Alternative?

    what kinda windows let you open them from the top and the bottom:confused: This is why you might consider ducting, and inline fans. you can get a piece at home depot that turns a 6" round into a flat 2" tall rectangle that will fit right under your open window. Get two of them right next to...
  3. febisfebi

    Ventilation Alternative?

    that should be fine
  4. febisfebi

    Ventilation Alternative?

    that really depends on what kind of lighting you are planning on putting in there, and how big the space is. You would probably be limited to using 600w HID lamps max I wouldn't try and run a bunch of 1000's with that kind of cooling setup
  5. febisfebi

    LBH's SCrog Tutorial

    First off, I was wondering how San Fernando Valley Kush, or SFV, will do on a scrog? Some people call it a sativa dominant, but I have not grown it before now, so Im not 100% sure of the characteristics, once flower starts. I have been told that this cut is an indica dominat hybrid, but from...
  6. febisfebi

    All BS set aside CMH yields

    I am looking forward to the quality increase as well from using supplemental HPS using full spectrum lighting. My overall spectrum should be similar to that of the 3100k's. Definitely should pay for themselves in power savings in the long run. They are just so much more efficient, and have...
  7. febisfebi

    All BS set aside CMH yields

    so you dont think you would have used less overall lamps in the same space if they were 1000watters? I mean dont get me wrong that looks like a lot of lights! But wouldnt a 1kw lamp usually cover more than 16 square feet? especially in a warehouse/multiple overlap setup? It sound's like...
  8. febisfebi

    All BS set aside CMH yields

    @Merlin34 Right on! Glad to hear it! I have been reading through your thread a bit, looks like you are having some fun! I am very jealous. Something that caught my eye though, You mentioned 60% power savings over HPS. That would be incredible, but how do you figure? From what I understand...
  9. febisfebi

    All BS set aside CMH yields

    I am very curious to see how the 3100k does as an hps replacement. your operation looks amazing. Does Colorado give you the tax break for investing in CMH?
  10. febisfebi

    All BS set aside CMH yields

    It really depends on what you want to use it for. If your looking to replace HPS for flower, the 3100k is a good option. The 4200k would be more a veg bulb, or a HPS Supplement light for flower. The 3100k would not make a good HPS supplement. it has nearly the same color temp as HPS. just...
  11. febisfebi

    All BS set aside CMH yields

    okay cooll. I will compare it the color to a new 1, in the store. thanks!
  12. febisfebi

    All BS set aside CMH yields

    What sort of meter do you use to see the spectrum shift, or does this data come from plant behavior? Do the arc tubes show wear(greyting ends) at this point, or does that not come later after 6,12 or more months? They are supposed to be good for 10k hrs which could be porentially lot more than...
  13. febisfebi

    All BS set aside CMH yields

    First off I need to simplify my question. All I need to know is after one or several cycles, does a DE bulb (philips or ushio) show any signs of wear, such as the greying of the arc tube ends like you would see in single end bulbs? @Carolina Dream'n @ttystikk Thanks guys, I appreciate the...
  14. febisfebi

    All BS set aside CMH yields

    Attention: @genuity and any other Double End Users. If any of you have used a DE Lamp for long enough to see wear, I need to hear from you ASAP! I need to know if there Is this a way to tell how much life is left in a DE bulb by looking at it, if your not sure of the hours? Do the DE arc tubes...
  15. febisfebi

    CO2 Queztion???

    Still, you are always guaranteed 400, and the act of dropping co2 down through your plants is the important part
  16. febisfebi

    CO2 Queztion???

    Thats what I said, but apparently it hangs around in the room, and gets swirled around many many times before it is exhausted, and since you have all the free co2 from outside, it doesnt take much to build up 12-1500 ppm when you are adding to that. Im not sure what the ppm is of fresh air, but...
  17. febisfebi

    CO2 Queztion???

    Disclaimer: Before you all start slamming me, understand this. I have no idea how effective this really is, because its not my setup. Since nobody has mentioned this idea at least in this thread, I thought I would bring up the idea and see what you all thought. I was recently evaluating a...
  18. febisfebi

    Identifying DE bulb wear

    Attention, all Double End Users. If anyone has used a DE Lamp for long enough to see wear, I need to hear from you ASAP! I need to know if there Is this a way to tell how much life is left in a DE bulb by looking at it, if your not sure of the hours? Do the DE arc tubes start to turn grey and...
  19. febisfebi

    All BS set aside CMH yields

    If you look at the spectral chart for the 3100k CDM's they are a flowering bulb, and a lot more like a new high tech SE HPS that runs lower heat and more efficient. Mostly a huge spike in the yellow/red flowering vicininy like HPS, as well as one in the green, and they have some SPD throughout...
  20. febisfebi

    All BS set aside CMH yields

    I am not trolling, in order to talk shit to anyone. I have not personally owned the ac/de cooled hood, but I do use DE tech, and I spent just as much time researching all the available setups before deciding on something, and wanted to share what I found out. I have seen them in stores, I have...