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  1. saynotothebs

    one cold night and this shit happens.

    yea i just googled the capital of phoenix arizona so you you should be good man wish i had them temps good luck...
  2. saynotothebs

    one cold night and this shit happens.

    you fuck smoky...
  3. saynotothebs

    one cold night and this shit happens.

    lmao im fucked up....:weed:.....anyway whats the weather outlook for your area?...they still look like they got some time to go i would hate to cut now...
  4. saynotothebs

    What do you regret most?

    opps you meant with weed growing sorry...then i got to say not starting sooner like illegal said...
  5. saynotothebs

    What do you regret most?

    fucking wit females....but i cant help i get horny....
  6. saynotothebs

    pass a test with this?

    i got the urine early in the am about 5am cause the dude was getting up that early for work...took the urine home put it in the refrigerator until about 11 am started the warm up process, and off i went to the clinic to take the test the drive was about a half hour drive, but i sat out front of...
  7. saynotothebs

    pass a test with this?

    check out his thread i used this method for a job..Pass a Drug Screen w/ Human Urine 'How To' worked great for me just watch the temps....i dont know about useing female urine though, but who knows...
  8. saynotothebs

    Free 8oz bottle of Hydroplex from botanicare (U.S.A. only)

    i just did a fake one and didnt get a comfrimation email...
  9. saynotothebs

    How does my plant look? *pics pics*

    what light cycle do you have it on? it looks good..
  10. saynotothebs

    Fed Ex Drug Test????

    yea believe it syn or someone elses piss....i just got a job, i used 7TH1DER's method its someone on this site...
  11. saynotothebs

    12/12 from seed - stringy ?

    looks like not enough light...what size room do you have them in..
  12. saynotothebs

    With 4 games down..How about some SuperBowl picks

    still too early to tell...but i would go with the saints and colts..
  13. saynotothebs

    oops.....3 pot....what do i do?

    and if you have to cut any out dont water as much let that soil get bone dry before you dont want them dead roots to stay wet alot...
  14. saynotothebs

    You guys suck!

    lmao i just checked out the tags...heres a copy and paste,lmao i love this place....guys, i refuse to do research, i'm a whiney bitch, suck
  15. saynotothebs

    You guys suck!

    whats your plant problem????
  16. saynotothebs

    Can smokers drive drunks home safely?

    haha with the case loads most of the judges have and my luck, i probably would be looking up at a pissed off judge on his 20th case of the day..and he/she is only two hours in their work
  17. saynotothebs

    Who wants bigger gov't??? Please help me understand liberals.

    no faith in government...huh please dont even ask why....i dont think that needs a answer...
  18. saynotothebs

    Can smokers drive drunks home safely?

    CMON MAN....i drive better high as a kite...
  19. saynotothebs

    does any of you liberals have the big enuf brain too debate me?

    haha your funny...too bad i dont debate with people over the internet..they always right anyway so there is no point...
  20. saynotothebs

    does any of you liberals have the big enuf brain too debate me?

    FAT PAYCHECKS......i didnt get shit but bad memories...:cuss: