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  1. P

    Question on FoxFARM oceanforest

    Here is an update from when I gave them the epsom salt almost 2 days ago. Here are two new pics THe top new growth looks more yellow and the leaves growing out at the nodes are growing yellow too. I do not see any sign of major nute burn or anything. I am guessing it is to early to see a small...
  2. P

    Help Me

    HOw long will it take before I would see good results from the nutrients I used last night?
  3. P

    Help Me

    I have 10 AK48 plants that are 4 weeks old and I transplanted them to foxfarm oceanforest soil a week ago and they were green and how its been a week and all the new growth is growing out yellow at the top..I mean YELLOW. I gave it epsom salt and 1/4 teaspoon of biggrow last night. IT has been...
  4. P

    Question on FoxFARM oceanforest

    Can anybody tell me how long it will be until I start seeing some results. It has been 24 hours and the leaves at the top of the plant growing out is more yellow now. Help
  5. P

    Question on FoxFARM oceanforest

    I just saw that you said 1/4 teaspoon and I accidentlly just gave them 1/4 tablespoon of the epsom salt and 1/4 teaspoon of the Big Grow..Will 1/4 table spoon of the epsom salt be too much????? FUCKKK
  6. P

    Question on FoxFARM oceanforest

    Ok..thanks for you guys help! Will do tomorrow
  7. P

    Question on FoxFARM oceanforest

    Here are some pics I just took of the 10 and a couple of the tops of the plants. They are growing fast..just this damn yellow is pissing me off
  8. P

    Question on FoxFARM oceanforest

    Tomorrow when I water..I will add 1/4 teaspoon of growbig and PH it and then hope it works. I will PH the runoff too. I have them in Gallon containers and when I watered them when I transplanted them, I only gave them like 10 oz. of water. Should I go ahead and soak the soil until I get some...
  9. P

    Question on FoxFARM oceanforest

    The plants are growing good..Just the new growth is yellow. One more question. It should be ok to do 1/4 teaspoon of big grow eventhough I transplanted into oceanforest a week ago? Thanks
  10. P

    Question on FoxFARM oceanforest

    Oh yes I have big grow. Can I add the lime and the Big grow at the same time? How much Lime do I add to the soil. I have them in 1 gallon containers. Do I sprinkle the lime or mix it with water?
  11. P

    *** Online Growing School 101 ***

    Shit are the pics..I am high
  12. P

    *** Online Growing School 101 ***

    This is two pics of one plant that on the new growth at the half of the leave is green and the other half is yellow. WTF..what is that shit?
  13. P

    Question on FoxFARM oceanforest

    Here are some pics I took today. One of the plants on the top growth on one of the new leaves, half of it is green and half of it is yellow. That is weird shit.
  14. P

    *** Online Growing School 101 ***

    I think I have a defiency..The tops of my plants on the new leaves is growing out yellow..Not greenish yellow, but YELLOW. Any Ideas? I just transplanted them 6 days ago in OCeanforest.
  15. P

    Question on FoxFARM oceanforest

    I used Foxfarm Happy Frog mixed with some perlite. I guess I will see if the foliar spray of the Revive worked. And then when I water tomorrow, I will add 1/2 tablespoon of epson salt per gallon when I water with plain water tomorrow.
  16. P

    Question on FoxFARM oceanforest

    I have not did the cal-mag. I was either going to do that or the epson salt. I have the Technaflora Cal-MG nutes. I wonder how much I should Give them? 1/2 strength? I don't want to burn them and mess up
  17. P

    Question on FoxFARM oceanforest

    I am really confused now..I thought nitrogen def started in the older leaves and Mg def showed in the young leaves?
  18. P

    Question on FoxFARM oceanforest

    How could I have Mg def. when I just transplanted into FOxfarm oceanforest? Should I still do the 1/2 tablespoon per gallon and it will not burn my plants? Please help a grower/smoke blower out!!!!!
  19. P

    Question on FoxFARM oceanforest

    I actually just foliar fed them last night with this stuff called Revive from Advanced Nutrients. Here is what the info on it says: Revive - Revive is the ultimate tool to keep in your plant repair kit for treating the underlying causes of "yellow plant syndrome". When environmental stress...
  20. P

    I am in the US. hehe Whats up

    I am in the US. hehe Whats up