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  1. P

    *** Online Growing School 101 ***

    Hey krusty, what kind of soil are you using?
  2. P

    *** Online Growing School 101 ***

    Do you feed everytime you water? Or every other time?
  3. P

    *** Online Growing School 101 ***

    WIll you tell which nutes you used and how much and your ppm?
  4. P

    *** Online Growing School 101 ***

    Dr. How old are the plants when u give them there first feeding? Thanks
  5. P

    *** Online Growing School 101 ***

    How long do I keep my 4 day old plants in the dome? For 1 week or 2 weeks?
  6. P

    *** Online Growing School 101 ***

    I am Joining this class too..I just germinated my 10 AK48 seeds 3 days ago by putting them in a cup of water for 24 hours with a drop of superthrive. Most of the popped up last night.I planted them in 10oz. Clear cups and wrapped black plastic around them for covering the cups. and I can remove...
  7. P

    Will this work for starting my seeds?

    I guess my question is, is it safe to start seeds in the Ocean Forest Soil?
  8. P

    Will this work for starting my seeds?

    Are you guys using Foxfarm Ocean Forest??
  9. P

    Will this work for starting my seeds?

    I have been having trouble getting my plants off the ground. I was wanting to know if this would work. If I fill some 16oz cups with 60% FoxFarm Ocean Forest and 40 % perlite, and then after two weeks, transplant to the same mix, but just in 1 gallon pots? this be a good start?
  10. P

    What is the best soil to put a germinated seed in??

    DO you ad perlite to the MG soil and do you use the soil with the 3month nutes in it? and when do you start adding nutes to your soil?
  11. P

    What is the best soil to put a germinated seed in??

    I was thinking of mixing 30% perlite, and 30 percent Foxfarm Ocean Forest and 40% of Mircale Grow seedling mix. Does that sound ok?
  12. P

    What is the best soil to put a germinated seed in??

    Where do you get Promix at? What is the brand soil you use?
  13. P

    What is the best soil to put a germinated seed in??

    What is promix?? What a quality soil..Foxfarm Ocean Forest?
  14. P

    What is the best soil to put a germinated seed in??

    Looking for a good soil to start off my seeds in for the first two weeks and then I plant to transplant to FF ocean forest or Mircale Grow Soil. THanks
  15. P

    Weed Demons Indoor temple

    ONE MORE QUESTION. SORRY...Was the soil mix you had in the clear cups the same as the soil mix your transplanted too? Also, you do PH your water before you put it in and also are you using the MG soil that has Nutes for 3 months? That is the only kind I can find. Thanks man!!
  16. P

    Best way to transplant without damaging roots?

    WHat is the best way to get my plants out of the soil with out damaging the roots so I can transplant to new soil?
  17. P

    alaskan ice, durban poison indoor soil grow

    And how did you lock them up??
  18. P

    Am I flushing the right way.

    I actually..just foilar fed them last night.. With this stuff Called Revive from Advanced Nutrients. And a drop of Superthrive. The soil is still wet from when I watered 3 days ago. So I am waiting until it drys up alot more before I flush them.
  19. P

    GreenDot Prepaid CC safe?

    Really..damn..that sucks wow
  20. P

    GreenDot Prepaid CC safe?

    DR.chronic or the attitude..I ordered from Dr. chronic once and got my order fast. so I might go with him again.