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  1. canuckgrow

    Eating Veal And Lamb?

    Yeah we just call it a BBQ LOL.....Looks nice though.
  2. canuckgrow

    Casey Anthony Trial is over.. Verdict: NOT GUILTY - Are you fucking kidding me?!?!

    This guy isn't worth the energy you would have to expend teaching him what his parents failed at.
  3. canuckgrow

    Casey Anthony Trial is over.. Verdict: NOT GUILTY - Are you fucking kidding me?!?!

    Not sure what your term E-sympathy that an offshoot of E-harmony? What I recieved from the majority of folks around here was genuine and helped me a great deal.....So your effort to minimize it in an attempt to get my goat has failed miserably,,,,as I'm sure you are very used to by...
  4. canuckgrow

    Casey Anthony Trial is over.. Verdict: NOT GUILTY - Are you fucking kidding me?!?!

    LOL...ok fella you got me......I killed my first born child and my only daughter by not going to America for healthcare. Thanks for clearing that up for us. Oh and by the way we also pay for healthcare up here...Through our taxes smartguy....not too mention all the extra coverage that we paid...
  5. canuckgrow

    2 Minute Story.

    Do yourself a favor and kick the ciggies for good.....i'm 42 and still struggle with them.
  6. canuckgrow

    Indie Kids.

    As long as they aren't the ones that need to pull up their pants I'm kewl with them LOL....those little sausage up their bum walking weiners with their pants falling down are just intolerable in my world.....So much so that I verbally engage said bumwalkers(my term) by telling them if they...
  7. canuckgrow

    Eating Veal And Lamb?

    Whats a weber?....I always put a bit of veal in sghetti sauce....Along with a little pork and some ground beef.....I love meat as I get older though the red variety doesn't like me as much LOL. We eat mostly chicken, turkey....never been a big fan of lamb but hey I keep trying it. Going to...
  8. canuckgrow

    Casey Anthony Trial is over.. Verdict: NOT GUILTY - Are you fucking kidding me?!?!

    Well it seems the armchair legal eagles have it all figured out.....And based on what? the media....Helloooooo Mcflyyyyyyy.....anyone home? LOL. Nuttin like a good media shitcircus...followed up with a large media shitstorm.(if anyone catches the leahey reference yeah for you)
  9. canuckgrow

    Well This Sucks For My Little Guys

    fuck....That sucks.....a mans nuts is no place for a scalpal
  10. canuckgrow

    How You Like Your Females?

    She needs a tray full of ice cold beverages to make it onto my want list LOL.......I like my ladies just like my wife.....Smart.....Natural......Blue Eyes........Long hair........Smells like heaven.........tight and curvy.
  11. canuckgrow

    Best/Worst time as A Grower.

    Best: 1989 outdoor harvest bumper crop LOL......Worst time 20 years of no growing
  12. canuckgrow

    Verdict is in! (link to both live videos)

    Firstly...pretty sick society taking entertainment from cold blooded murder....Secondly.....She is still guilty even though the verdict was not guilty???? I don't get it LOL. Didn't watch any of the footage.....Or read any of the print regarding this trial......If it were my decision the media...
  13. canuckgrow

    Trouble Staying Asleep, Starting To Think Psychotic Thoughts.

    Sleep every time. Takes some training of your mind but once you get it its nighty night......I can fall sleep anywhere in about 10 minutes LOL I've even done it while listening to loud music.
  14. canuckgrow

    Wilfred - The Bong Smoking Dog

    Boy when you stop watching Television suddenly it all looks stupid LOL.....How are those commercials treating ya?
  15. canuckgrow

    How Do Vegans Feel About Animals That Eat Other Animals?

    If we ate all the vegans we wouldn't need to worry about that segment anymore. I'm all about the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Veggies. Have you people seen what they do to the carrots and parsnips?
  16. canuckgrow

    What Are Mids?

    Mids are totally subjective and one simply cannot judge by looks alone as in life some of the beauty lies within.
  17. canuckgrow

    Girlfriend Is Too Sensitive Or Am I An Ass?

    This made me cringe in my seat.....Had a girl try that once.......Once.....Was not pleasant at all and I've never been able to really talk about it until now.
  18. canuckgrow

    What's Your Guy's Opinion On 2012?

    Ummmm sorry to just jump in here and solve the fuckin problem.......but I'm human so if I say its Tuesday December 32nd than thats what it be homes. We wrote the first one and i'm pretty sure we gonna write the next one as well. Actually spoke to a person who was in such a state over this...
  19. canuckgrow

    I Got A Free Pack Of Swisher Sweets

    Never mix tobacco with someone else already said garbage tobacco at that.......You guys ever try real cuban tobacco? If you did you would never smoke another swisher LOL. Blunt wraps are disgusting and even filled with the finest green they still taste like dirty ass...and not no...
  20. canuckgrow


    When my 10 yr old was 4 he was telling that joke.. A bit of bad taste but still funny. Newsflash: All endzones on football fields in Iowa have been changed from natural turf to artificial turf. Anyone know why...