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  1. ChronicObsession

    Land lord checking apartment!!

    Step 1. Buy chili mix and frozen high fat ground beef at walmart. Step 2. Gently thaw out frozen meat all day on the top of your roof Step 3. Cook that slop up and put a culinary spice that your girlfriend would like. Step 4. Don't refrigerate it, because you will diminish the potency. Step...
  2. ChronicObsession

    The Financial State of America

    i hear you, but i learned about lottery first, by watching my Dad play that religiously and keep charts and cross reference stuff and then I saw slots and then finally I moved to no limit texas holdem and play in some nice tourneys online
  3. ChronicObsession

    The Return of the like button

    3 people have given up their rights to like stuff. foreshame :(
  4. ChronicObsession

    4 Oz Every 7 Days Ultimate Grow Cabinet Virtually Silent!!!

    I think I will park my penis in a car garage. dude it's impossible this is pure cracked out craziness. But if you could start using a real camera instead of that cyber illustration voodoo, I would like it a lot sir. I would like it.
  5. ChronicObsession

    The Financial State of America

    so we are in 2012 and the internet has been around for many years and so has Google and the sheep still don't know that playing the lottery is the silliest investment one can make if they are looking for those big incomes while sitting on the couch and checking numbers at 7PM. lol america...
  6. ChronicObsession

    Thoughts? could be you next perhaps.

    LMAO whaaaaaaattttuh? this is the most blatant display of ignorrance from the same person that calls me the ignorrant one LMAOOOOOO ::cough:: so what does a license or as I call it a piece of plastic and some paper have to do with being a parent? And not the halfassed parenting types that...
  7. ChronicObsession

    Thoughts? could be you next perhaps.

    this guy couldn't flick a dingleberry off his ... never mind . I'm going to bed because this guy seems like the insecure "report" whistle blower day ruiner cock blocking kind of person and I'm out like a closet homo on crack
  8. ChronicObsession

    I'm Better Than You, I'm Quitting: A Time Line

    I made one with a lab glass chamber to hold the bud, a stainless steel soldering iron, and airpump and a rheostat to control the temps. I get bombed all the time from a machine I made with stuff around the home. take that consumer america!
  9. ChronicObsession

    Thoughts? could be you next perhaps.

    oh shit... you're..... I know you. You're Pheenix, You're that Joey guy! of course, now I will have you exploded with my mighty brain forces ! mwahahahaha replicate all you want buddy I still own you No that was a parody of what would really happen if you were Joey. I see by the tone of...
  10. ChronicObsession

    Thoughts? could be you next perhaps.

    stop making morals with marijuana. it's, a fucking , p l a n t. Plant. all plants of the earth are good. So, if you are telling the victim to render unto caesar (the government) that which is caesar's, then more power to you. But your pessimisms are stinking up this fresh thread with your...
  11. ChronicObsession

    Thoughts? could be you next perhaps.

    LOL buddy, I don't know what background you come from, but you are making foolish judgements against my brothers and marijuana. You are commenting from your narrow perspective and that's fine more power to you. But for people that don't live in the USA bubble, life goes on okay :)
  12. ChronicObsession

    I'm Better Than You, I'm Quitting: A Time Line

    In my opinion, the vaporizer gives a man a new reason to go back to making love to cannabis all day and every day .
  13. ChronicObsession

    Thoughts? could be you next perhaps.

    I said I am a parent. Can't you read man? And I also moved to a decriminalized marijuan country to enjoy the duff without fuzzz do you read me now maaaaaaaan?
  14. ChronicObsession

    [:] Message to Eminem [:]

    lol, i knew that kid rock joke was suspect. but seriously, eminem accomplished more than Rock because eminem has a movie and Rock just showed up on the simpsons lol
  15. ChronicObsession

    Thoughts? could be you next perhaps.

    but it is not that sinple. seriously, this guy should just secede right now and fly his pirate flag just like peter griffen did that one time
  16. ChronicObsession

    Thoughts? could be you next perhaps.

    I have kids, and I would not choose marijuana over them. And I too believe that marijuana has a bad reputation because of assholes in history. however that does not negate the fact that people forget that they can move to a marijuana tolerant area. let's face it. the government is forever...
  17. ChronicObsession

    How Obama Runs America

    I would cut away the analytical and math parts and boil it down and extract a nugget of golden wisdom such as this : Obama runs our country like a toilet. The pyramid cap stone warrior takes turns pooping with his money buddies, but noone must ever flush. Eventually December will have arrived...
  18. ChronicObsession

    My friends opening up about being an alien? wtf?

    hi sky watchers. I want to tell you that aliens as in E.T. are not real, "they" have been close to us since the beginning of man's history. They are called Demons. Don't be fooled into thinking there is a smorgasbord of creatures and poop like that, unicorns on planet X. This can get blown...
  19. ChronicObsession

    Who is the best troll in the politics section?

    I was born in the USA, and I had a big LOL in the 2000s era when shit went wonkey hopey changey bush and chaney . then I sailed away to the land of marijuana