They are so small there’s a good chance they’ll just grow through it maybe mist the surface just a tad instead of big water to make sure not so many nutrients become soluble
I’m using the sf2000 and Yielded solid 10-12 oz per plant before in a 2x3x5 tent with 3 plants buds look good and get fat af, how big of a tent do you run?
It might be good to move them out on hot days, open the greenhouse and put them back in at night and on rainy days Just to avoid any skid marks in the shorts.
You could definitely get away with if you’re very good with defoliating. I personally don’t defoliate because it’s the plants stomaches, but it is possible to defoliate and get huge buds
They should, I thought the same about mine this harvest and the next week (week 5) of flower they doubled in size and I still have weeks. Add some molasses un sulphured if you have living soil to help those microbes thrive off the sugar
In Micro moles per joule no, the 2.7 3.5 whatever your light says it is is how much "food" (photon micromoles) the plant can receive in a Given timeframe. The 3.5 being more and therefor more efficient in delivering food (light)
Yikes, I have 3 in a 2x3x5 and she’s crowded especially with lst training, your plant will bush out quite a bit if they’re Indica or get quite tall with Sativas
I had the same problem too about 3 weeks into flower, people on threads will say it’s instantly fucked but far from it, keep your light schedule exactly the same you had it in the first place to not to avoid any more stress