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  1. purplehazin


    Click on this icon: In the Reply box.
  2. purplehazin

    New Grower

    Welcome :) Let us know if you need any help.
  3. purplehazin

    Newbie 1st timer - long time lurker =P

    Looks great so far! Always good to have another Oregonian here... let me know if you need any help :)
  4. purplehazin

    Another Enthusiastic Member!

    Welcome! Good to have ya here :)
  5. purplehazin

    Hey Guys!

    Welcome :) Let us know if you need any help growing those girls.
  6. purplehazin

    Somewhat new!

    Welcome to RIU; good luck with your major :)
  7. purplehazin


    Welcome :)
  8. purplehazin

    Warlock + Sensi Star - 400W Indoor

    Flowering Day 14: Sensi Star: 35.5" Warlock: 23.5"
  9. purplehazin

    both of my plants yelded 7 pounds of some bomb

    I would like nothing more than to believe you, but getting 2 lbs from a 600w with 2 plants is just insane.
  10. purplehazin

    both of my plants yelded 7 pounds of some bomb

    No, a gang is not a community. Sorry you took it the wrong way; that's just how forums are. You can't make a statement like your OP and not back it up. Always have nay-sayers :)
  11. purplehazin

    both of my plants yelded 7 pounds of some bomb

    Hey man, you're the one that said you were leaving.
  12. purplehazin

    both of my plants yelded 7 pounds of some bomb

    Didn't mean to sound rude, we're just a different kind of community over here. The kind where we dont make ludicrous approximations of a harvest. Still have yet to see any actual pictures of your "2 plants". Anyone can buy 2 lbs...
  13. purplehazin

    are Cali connection seeds overrated?

    I love all the people doggin on Cali con when they've never grown it themselves, yet have the nerve to say it's shit when someone who is growing practically the whole lineup says it's good stuff and HAS THE PICS TO BACK IT UP. More for us, less for you idiots. You keep growing your Nirvana...
  14. purplehazin

    both of my plants yelded 7 pounds of some bomb

    Yeah... we wont miss you. You'll fit right in at GC.
  15. purplehazin

    First Time Grower Hi Yall

    Really depends on genetics... I would rather have a little bit of potent weed than a lot of mid grade weed.
  16. purplehazin

    WBW Indoor kush Thread!

    Looking good brother; very healthy as always :)
  17. purplehazin

    First Time Grower Hi Yall

    Plants are looking good! I wouldnt worry about CO2 for now... just focus on getting these plants to harvest. Next grow you can fine tune your tent and fix any problems you had.
  18. purplehazin

    WBW Indoor kush Thread!

    Never heard of that... sound good though
  19. purplehazin

    First Time Grower Hi Yall

    A lot, that's why only serious growers use them :) You also need a CO2 controller to monitor ppm's in the room and adjust accordingly. Or you can just use a regular timer and have it on/off every 15 minutes or so (but you still need a way to be able to read the ppm's in the air).
  20. purplehazin

    WBW Indoor kush Thread!

    Need some bud porn :D: