Tincs will get you fucked up the fastest... I could feel the effects not 5 minutes after I took a teaspoon. Edibles are great but they take to long to kick in.
Yes, you could easily have a 1k watter in there. How far away is your bulb from the canopy? I try to keep my 400w HPS about 8-9 inches away from the canopy. With a 600 it should be about 14-15 inches away.
Yes, perlite is a necessary addition for any soil recipe. Perlite makes up 20-25% of my...
Ok, I've never had any bug problems, ever. Air pots allow extra oxygen to enter the soil, and with the addition of perlite to soil the roots have no trouble getting enough air. I have nothing against hydro, just don't like it when people always assume hydro = more yield in a shorter amount of...
Sure, LST is simply using string to tie back buds to allow more light to other buds. Or in your case, keep the height down. However, the longer you wait to train, the thicker the stems get, and the harder it is to get the stems to go where you want.
Yeah, they do just fine outside. A lot of people start them early in the season so by mid summer they have some herb to smoke on while the regular plants are midway through flowering ;)
Welcome to RIU
Welcome to RIU :)
Sounds like you have a good start. You can use distilled water, but you'll have to supplement cal/mag and some other micro nutrients. Tap water works too if you let it sit out to evap any chlorine. Keep us updated!