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  1. dtp5150

    Cologne soaked :( Can i smoke it?

    poplars on a different theory, I guess they use the canisters because butane evaporates so quickly its the only way to contain the gas in liquid form and coat all of the weed.... just a theory....
  2. dtp5150

    Hashberry $40 1/8

    wtf who said anything about selling?! I didnt even grow it. This is a pick up report! haha I just said how much I got it for! Why would I post a bad review of bud im selling haha i didn't say i bought it, i just thought it was obvious.
  3. dtp5150

    Custom DIY LED panel help

    dont even mess with UV ( UVB is the one you want ) LED I already went through the mess of trying to source some appropriate for growing and they were like $2500 for each LED ( think they have a bunch of medical uses thats why the price is so high ). IR is kind of a waste too. Best to use a CFL...
  4. dtp5150

    Cologne soaked :( Can i smoke it?

    yeah, it could have acted as a solvent and probably did ( didnt even think of that ) but even so, and it made the trichomes into an oily substance, after water curing it will still be there :D
  5. dtp5150

    Cologne soaked :( Can i smoke it?

    thats why i said maybe! :D plus, i dont know many oily colognes?!? as I remember they would evaporate with little/no residue. i dont even wear that crap anymore haha :D
  6. dtp5150

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    anyone actually build an aquahub kit? I have two, I was thinking maybe I'll try it tonight, heh.... also CAP does have a good warranty, but you dont get an interim replacement, so ur crop ( or your life ) is harmed if the controller break u gotta manually flood and drain it. So, I do recommend...
  7. dtp5150

    New York Power Diesel

    water only! you dont really NEED to spray anything...unless theres a problem lookin good! well the nuggets do, but...actually week 7 flowering?! That plant needs more light or something!!!! The hairs are turning its just got a couple weeks left damn! Get a better light system next time. That...
  8. dtp5150

    #Rollitup is where its at, but its been down for a week. its supposed to be back soon!
  9. dtp5150

    coughing up black stuff

    get a vaporizer dude....i had to switch back to my volcano after a few months of just bongrips. There is only so much you can smoke. With a habit like yours, I think you're a fine candidate for vaporizer. Or make edibles! Or hash ( its more potent, pure thc). Vaporize hash, eat brownies. My...
  10. dtp5150

    Cologne soaked :( Can i smoke it?

    i did this once when i was like 15...that cologne even travels through ziplocks, i only had it in same drawer to hide the smell but it ruined the weed.... if you let it air out a while it wont be as bad but still will taste like crap. Have you thought of water curing it? Its where you soak the...
  11. dtp5150

    California MJ Growers & Smokers on Legalizing MJ

    Cannapharm: Dude. MEANING Dude. Having a degree in Economics I can tell you that an increase in demand at all price levels ( ie more customers from legalization) will almost always raise the price of a good unless: -there is price fixing or other mechanism to control prices ( ie prices set by...
  12. dtp5150

    California MJ Growers & Smokers on Legalizing MJ

    personal attack to me wohoo! where is his half assed warning? You are saying prop 215 patients such as yourself will not be affected either way. So why still vote no? As I understand it you are voting no because it doesn't affect you either way. To me, that shows a complete lack of compassion...
  13. dtp5150

    California MJ Growers & Smokers on Legalizing MJ

    someone who is voting no to legalization to keep prices inflated is a greedy drug dealer. FACT. Don't get your drawers in a bunch.
  14. dtp5150

    California MJ Growers & Smokers on Legalizing MJ

    why do you say that?
  15. dtp5150

    California MJ Growers & Smokers on Legalizing MJ

    if calling a greedy drug dealer what they are is an insult.....I am on the wrong forum whats REALLY good for not only everyone, but poor cancer and other disease patients, is cheap medicine. If you cannot morally understand this, well....parenting I guess?
  16. dtp5150

    California MJ Growers & Smokers on Legalizing MJ

    another greedy drug dealer, get the fuck out of california
  17. dtp5150

    California MJ Growers & Smokers on Legalizing MJ

    just because you talk a lot, doesn't make you right in fact, i've learned the more winded a person is, usually the more full of shit they are. they have to talk so much to try and convince you they're not an idiot, but it usually just backfires.
  18. dtp5150


    nice.... fuck powdery mildew fuck spider mites fuck your opinion fuck cranksters / thieves fuck stupid ass bitches fuck expectations fuck everyone who votes no to legalized cannabis
  19. dtp5150

    Bp sucks!!!

    oil doesn't go up into the atmosphere, but i can see with the storms how it will be spread all over. its like, "hey americans, you want oil? hahah, heres your fuckin oil!" this whole thing stinks, and one part of me yells "CONSPIRACY"
  20. dtp5150

    Gunned Down Cold In A Raw Deal

    stupid fuckin bart cop this is another example why TASERS ARE fucking RETARDED and a HORRIBLE IDEA to issue to every damn cop with a badge. Americans, we need to stop acting like pussies and REVOLT! The shit has hit the fan! i live like 30 minutes away from where all this went down so...