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  1. nameno

    HIV Cure? (After a year of research)

    No way to get rid of hep C.
  2. nameno

    D w c one light one plant

    I got a couple tips I picked up from master growers I'll share with you. You are real close when use the word rope to describe your roots,it's called cord roots,you get them when the water is below the plant not the net pot but the plant itself. Cord roots take energy away & will slow a grow...
  3. nameno

    Diagnose my plants problem - help needed

    How many leaves you got making a claw look?
  4. nameno

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Depends on what it is maybe be a eight week deal more or less just all depends how long flowering time does that variety take. What did the description say on flowering? GL Do you know what kind it is?
  5. nameno

    Brown spots on lower leaves at first then upper n slowlyu yellowing DWC FF nuts,I cannot remember but I see this in a lot of post maybe this link will help
  6. nameno

    Amber vs Cloudy,Milky

    %85 milky,cloudy %3-5 amber %5 - 10 clear. Without a picture just going by those% I would get it now if it were mine.GL
  7. nameno

    who needs help?

    Don't try the diet pepsi,the branches will dry up & fall off,it'll be real skinny or at least that's what happened to mine.
  8. nameno

    who needs help?

    I bet you got the wrong root to go with it.
  9. nameno

    message to first time growers

    Hey critical,How did that come out? If you clone a leaf do you have to get the matching root also?lol
  10. nameno

    who needs help?

    I feel like this is dumb enough to ask here: what's op mean? I figured out opp (other people's pu@@Y) op- other people?
  11. nameno

    5 gallon bucket dwc 1 or 2 airstones ??

    You got to block that light,paper plate or something,keep water up to the plant not roots,cover the roots with water. that will cause faster growth by not wasting time & energy growing...
  12. nameno

    Some advice requested.

    Thanks ss,I needed to be reminded of that. Dirtyweed, in your reading don't believe everything on a forum,look at their growing pictures and time in growing before you make changes based on what you were told. GL.GG,&HY
  13. nameno

    my 3 stages of flower

    Happy Thanksgiving All ! This is a good day to "thank you" SS for all the help you have given me. Hey George ! Did you run w/f at 1 time ? If you did how did you like that? Morning OD,have a good day!
  14. nameno

    The switch to vert has been made today.

    They look flat to me.?
  15. nameno

    Deep water culture only thread

    Your grow will speed up if you raise the water level, I looked at the picture & can see some cord roots(extra thick) if the water level up to the plant not the net pot but the plant it will not waste that time.GL
  16. nameno

    Pre-nuted soil for seedlings. Question.

    No roots no nutes.
  17. nameno

    strain best suited for dimensia

    I been watching for 1 for diabetes,check down there in medical section,click on the med word scroll down,I almost missed it.
  18. nameno

    few questions about vegative state and water/food

    Feed a man he can eat teach him how to feed himself he can eat when you not there.I hope that came out as positive as I meant it. On a lighter side how come the people with all the answers are always new people?
  19. nameno

    Whats up with this plant? lol I think its overheating..

    It ain't the wind.I'm doing an experiment with high winds. I don't know for sure what the problem is,but it looks a lot like the over/under watering picture in growery diagnosis.
  20. nameno

    Another newbie question:)

    I never grew autos,but a mixed spectrum is desired.I used regular shop lights starting out long ago & used that 3 - 1 ratio,it was hard at flower time. You'll be fine with a 400. GL edit:I just reread what riknstein wrote,that sounds perfect,I did not realize that both side could run @ the...