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  1. dopechess

    Odor Control

    Lol. Bleach works. But people might think you're cleaning up a crime scene. Another more realistic idea is getting some strong smelling herbs like rosemary or lavender and put them in planters. Put those out on your porch or back yard. This will cover up the smell. But MJ smells strong and...
  2. dopechess

    Somebody help me!

    Could be cal/mag deficiency
  3. dopechess

    Odor Control

    Start cooking curry every night. Your neighbors will smell curry instead of dank.
  4. dopechess

    Direct sunlight question

    Post a pic of it. Interested to see how it compares to mine. I had late start, seed sprouted June 1st. My plant is getting pretty decent sized, especially the 4 main colas are fairly big. I've been only getting 6hrs lately since the days are getting shorter and the sun's path as shifted.
  5. dopechess

    How are my plants doing?

    not too shabby. buds looking good. Looks like you'll be harvesting in October like a lot of us.
  6. dopechess

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    I've been proactive this year with bud worms, been spraying BT every 5days or so from about week 4 in veg. I found a couple of spherical egg like things on my buds. Do you think those are caterpillar eggs? (in center of the frame, there are 2 spherical objects) Do the moths like to lay their...
  7. dopechess

    Direct sunlight question

    i only get about 6hrs of direct sunlight now. my plant is doing fine.
  8. dopechess

    Had to toss a whole plant, how can I prevent another?

    For next years grow and as a preventative measure against nasty bugs/worms eating your crop. Here's what you should do, spray BT or Spinosad for caterpillars starting at when your plants are fairly big in veg (maybe week 4). Spray every 5 days. Caterpillars come from moths that lay their eggs...
  9. dopechess

    I LIKE Early Harvests -- Anyone Else of that Mind?

    definitely way too early. mine look like yours and i think i have 5 weeks left for a prime harvest.
  10. dopechess

    A POUND?

    I would say about 4-6oz dry
  11. dopechess

    Best way to store seeds?

    In all seriousness. Has anyone done any research? googling? I think under ideal conditions seeds can be viable for 10 years? 20 years? i dunno, i am a newb in gardening and growing stuff. I bought some seed recently and those to me are more valuable than gold. If some crazy disaster hits and...
  12. dopechess

    Best way to store seeds?

    I said practical in my op. How the heck am I gonna retrieve my seeds when zombie breaks out all of a sudden? would be impossible to get to my seeds up near the north pole. :-(
  13. dopechess

    Best way to store seeds?

    i had to look up with keyster was. I thought i was pretty hip. But i guess i am not really in that type of terminology. ;-)
  14. dopechess

    Best way to store seeds?

    Ok guys, so imagine if there was some sort of Zombie Apocalypse? or Gigantic Meteor that will wipe out most of earth's population.You have a premonition in your dreams and know that you don't want to be without your meds. What is the most practical way to store MJ seeds so that they can last a...
  15. dopechess

    White cookies! - Season 3

    Finally some bud pics.
  16. dopechess

    Help with caterpillar attack

    cool.. thanks.. since we're on the topic of pest prevention. have you any experience using neem oil extract? I read that neem oil shouldn't be used during flowering as it would impart a bad taste the the buds. Is this true? Sorry to hijack the thread, but i think we answered the OPs...
  17. dopechess

    Help with caterpillar attack

    how late into flowering can spinosad be used? never tried it, but sounds like it's better than BT
  18. dopechess

    Help with caterpillar attack

    Spray BT now?
  19. dopechess

    Help with caterpillar attack

    You can safely spray BT until the day before harvest. The worms eat the BT and they die. For future grows as a preventative measure. Start spraying BT during veg all the way up to a week before harvest. Spray every week.