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  1. ProGrower707

    Need advice in choosing an aeroponic system Please

    I love the areoponics. i use best products on market for areo . WHY? because it run my system soo clean . also i just testing it out on eeb & flow here the pic
  2. ProGrower707

    Testing out new products called

    You should use it . use 3/4 stregnth . it rocking my world . I m very happy with X-nutes :) . keep my water clear ...
  3. ProGrower707

    Testing out new products called 1 week flower : will update in couple of days . the roots are super white. :):clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:
  4. ProGrower707

    Please help with ROOT ROT

    I cut brown part root off and add H202 every 3 day .. good luck
  5. ProGrower707

    Please take a look at it

    ppm run 850 ph stay at 5.6 to 6.2 In hydro flood table 4x4 Using all advanced lines with part 2 any idea why it doing this :sad::-P:leaf::hump:
  6. ProGrower707

    Hi thank for the respond. the ppm 850 to 950 and i keep ph between 5.6 to 6.2 . i using all...

    Hi thank for the respond. the ppm 850 to 950 and i keep ph between 5.6 to 6.2 . i using all advanced nutes line . i using the chart from advanced part 2 . and all the addivce . thanks
  7. ProGrower707

    How come the leaves does that pic pic pic

    The PPM is 900 in 3 weeks of flower . and the ph stay between 5.6 to 6.2 .
  8. ProGrower707

    How come the leaves does that pic pic pic

  9. ProGrower707

    How come the leaves does that pic pic pic

    I mean why it doing that ? does it need more notes or raise ph up ? i using hydro table .. any idea?? Using Advanced nutes
  10. ProGrower707

    How come the leaves does that pic pic pic

    I using 4x4 Hydro table . i winding why it doing that . need more notes or should i raise Ph up for 24 hour ? anyone thanks Thanks :neutral::peace:kiss-ass
  11. ProGrower707

    Nutes for Aero?

    No GH! use Advanced nutes . they have 3 parts for Hydroponics/areoponics now with Luis recipe. Also its 3 dollars cheaper on each part. I ve been grow Bell peper on areoponics for years . I have to say Advanced is the best for areo because it keep the system clean . If i gonna use GH i would...
  12. ProGrower707

    Plants problem . Hydroponics with AN !

    plz tell me what wrong with this . it started on bottom now on way up ! plz help ..
  13. ProGrower707

    Plants problem . Hydroponics with AN !

    plants doing really good i lower my ppm and ph 5.6 to 6.0 . flood 4 time day time none at night / got any idea why it start from bottom on way up ? ppm 700 .. thanks
  14. ProGrower707

    First time using Hydroponis 4x4 flood table

    No i filled pot with hydration . i cover with mylar and make holes for pots . so no lights get to roots .
  15. ProGrower707

    ** 3 To 4 LBS.**

    Yea i would go with 2 of 600 watts cuz it a small space . no don't use rockwool. it hard to flush out the system . use hydro rocks and use house of garden drip clean it will be bomb! seriously .
  16. ProGrower707

    Plants problem . Hydroponics with AN !

    Pics up anybody ?
  17. ProGrower707

    ***powdery mildew*** help what should i do?

    milk got calium just add calium to water and raise ph 9.0 will kill the mold not just keep down the mold . good luck !