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  1. ProGrower707

    I think i have Spider mites can anybody help???:(

    liquid lady bug sucks! big time ! 36 bucks per spray bottle ... i use pure spray . it coat the leaves for 2 or 3 days . mites can't attack i leaves :) good luck ..
  2. ProGrower707

    spraying mites close to harvest?

    i open co2 tanks all the way open . make sure room closed and sealed . cuz co2 at 10,000 ppm can kill mites . go in open co2 leave the room . come back in 4 hours . mites be all over on soil :)
  3. ProGrower707

    Can you tell me what this is?

    What kind pen do you use . i heard R/O water kill the sensor . ph meter pen . ( only pen ) . only blue lab products work with r/o water . because r/o water is a dead water ..
  4. ProGrower707

    Can you tell me what this is?

    Cal mag help raise ph in soil . .. .. ..
  5. ProGrower707

    Can you tell me what this is?

    Yea i agree i think ph is off that why plant not eating . add little cal mag and correct ph will help plants boost up eating ...
  6. ProGrower707

    First time using Hydroponis 4x4 flood table

    I winding how many time water go up during light up and down . and how long water should sit in flood . grow in hydro rock . it now first week bloom thanks .
  7. ProGrower707

    Can you tell me what this is?

    Check your ph pen or meter make sure it working correctly. i think it ph because it not eating .. check your soil water run off ph . see where ph is at in soil . i think you need to raise ph .. to unlock all nutes .
  8. ProGrower707

    Powdery Mildew 4 weeks into flower

    Yes use green cure . i use green cure with water ph at 9.0 it work . high ph kill it . good stuff .
  9. ProGrower707

    Plants problem . Hydroponics with AN !

    n 5 p 6 k 12 . is that bad?
  10. ProGrower707

    Plants problem . Hydroponics with AN !

    I use half what AN bottle said . it said 4 ml per l water . that pretty high . so i do half . 200 ml per l ..... :idea::joint:
  11. ProGrower707

    I Need Help Choosing Solution for E-Z Clone System

    I use clonex up to 450 ppm and add 2 ml per l water of voodoo . = . it rooted within 12 days . if u keep ph at 5.6 all time ..
  12. ProGrower707

    Nute Burn???

    I used vermin t for years . i get best result . here what i do . when light on and i leave on for 30 min then i turn off the lights . i use little household light and spray plants with vermin t . leave let it dry out in about hour or so . the flip the lights back on . it help root break down...
  13. ProGrower707

    Plants problem . Hydroponics with AN !

    Thx for reply. I set my timer water up every 6 hours. 4 time a day . water sit for about 5 min in tray. today i dumped water out and ADD RO WATER added A&B @ 350 ppm . and i added 50 ml of bud candy , bud intaior , bud factor , rhino skin . senisyme . and in 27 gallons res. ppm is still 350 ...
  14. ProGrower707

    Plants problem . Hydroponics with AN !

    No burn during veg stage . i added cal mag 100 ppm . i not sure if cal mag will lock out nutes. cuz AN said if using AN don't need add cal mag . i not sure . ...
  15. ProGrower707

    Plants problem . Hydroponics with AN !

    Anyone can help . 27 gallon res. with 4x4 table tray room temp 74 water temp 72 i use blue lab combo meter . it now first week flowers . 200 ml A & B SENSI BLOOM 100 ml Kushie kush 100 ml rhino skin 100 ml senis zyem 100 ml bud factor 100 ml bud intatior 100 ml bud candy 30 ml root...