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  1. Danielsgb

    Well Here Goes

    Give Dr. Paul a $4.20 donation to show your support leading up to April 20th. The $4.20 on 4/20 Movement for Ron Paul The 420 Message Cool sites about sending a message to politicians who support legalizing Cannabis. For the price of a Big Mac, it can make a difference. Daniels:leaf: The...
  2. Danielsgb

    Well Here Goes Again

    Give Dr. Paul a $4.20 donation to show your support leading up to April 20th. The $4.20 on 4/20 Movement for Ron Paul The 420 Message Cool sites about sending a message to politicians who support legalizing Cannabis. For the price of a Big Mac, it can make a difference. Daniels:leaf: The...
  3. Danielsgb

    The Hippie Gardener's New Yard Centerpiece

    Give Dr. Paul a $4.20 donation to show your support leading up to April 20th. The $4.20 on 4/20 Movement for Ron Paul The 420 Message Cool sites about sending a message to politicians who support legalizing Cannabis. For the price of a Big Mac, it can make a difference. Daniels:leaf: The...
  4. Danielsgb

    A Medicinal Refrigerator

    Give Dr. Paul a $4.20 donation to show your support leading up to April 20th. The $4.20 on 4/20 Movement for Ron Paul The 420 Message Cool sites about sending a message to politicians who support legalizing Cannabis. For the price of a Big Mac, it can make a difference. Daniels:leaf: The...
  5. Danielsgb

    Two Queens Stuffed in a Fridge

    Give Dr. Paul a $4.20 donation to show your support leading up to April 20th. The $4.20 on 4/20 Movement for Ron Paul The 420 Message Cool sites about sending a message to politicians who support legalizing Cannabis. For the price of a Big Mac, it can make a difference. Daniels:leaf: The...
  6. Danielsgb

    Two Queens Stuffed in a Fridge

    Yep, RM3 has no trolls or 17 yr olds.:-P My build journal has most of those questions answered. Hope that helps, but it's been a long time since I checked RIU. A Medicinal Refrigerator
  7. Danielsgb

    Sorry I rarely check over her. Happy New Year to you too.

    Sorry I rarely check over her. Happy New Year to you too.
  8. Danielsgb

    Could Kelp extracts be a waste of money?

    I've never used Magic Green, but I can guess it's a scam waste of money. It says Derived From: Ammonium Nitrate, Nitric Acid, Potassium Oxide, and Phosphoric Acid. but never gives a NPK or even what the fuck is in it. Says waxy leaves but not what from. It's expensive too. My guess is...
  9. Danielsgb

    Could Kelp extracts be a waste of money?

    Yep, if it doesn't come from a scientist who is getting a masters or doctorate from a university for the research then it is almost always just marketing. I'd like to try that Foliage Pro, but I have to use up my 4 gallon bucket of Jacks first.:leaf:
  10. Danielsgb

    Could Kelp extracts be a waste of money?

    UB is right. Way too much Phosphorous is used. I got that paper from A&M.
  11. Danielsgb

    Ceramic Metal Halide (CMH) Thread

    Here it is 330w CMH. there is no 400w that uses a MH.
  12. Danielsgb

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    Here is the Chart and two plants under a 400w CMH. Here is the cheapest bulb. Here is more info
  13. Danielsgb

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    I answered your PM. I'd go Ceramic Metal Halide. They use a HPS ballast. Way better spectrum. They run a bit cooler too. I'd never use a MH or HPS again. IMHO way better.
  14. Danielsgb

    Ceramic Metal Halide (CMH) Thread

    Here it is It uses this pulse start metal halide ballast M142/E, M102/E. Not HPS like the 250w & 400w. They are universal so can be hor or vert.
  15. Danielsgb

    Feeding Your Plant With Breastmilk?

    Yea it's what they crave.:eyesmoke:
  16. Danielsgb

    power went out today causing light to go out

    From 7am to 5 pm is 10 hrs of light and 14 hrs dark is what he means I think. The few hours of dark is OK.
  17. Danielsgb

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    I would plug in something like a light bulb, or a radio. Then flip the breakers one at a time till you find which one it is. Then check the other 3 outlets to be sure all are on the same circuit. It's probably 15 amp or 20 amp. Here is the chart from IAm5toned. 15 amp breaker @ 120v =...
  18. Danielsgb

    The Truth About Flushing

    What the fuck science did you base this on? Re-read this and justify with science. Not, 'well that's what I heard" or "taffy told me". Science or go back to get the GED. Daniels:cuss: