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  1. effexxess

    Deceptive billing from MSNL seeds

    MY BAD!!! Mixed up MSNL with Mr Nice Seedbank. :bigjoint:
  2. effexxess

    Deceptive billing from MSNL seeds

    I know someone who's never had any issues with registered t-shirt postage. Their auction site is a great deal -- and winning is fun. From their website: "Outside EU it cost 35 for T shirt postage registered, 20 without T shirt and without registered..... Inside EU it costs 13.50 for registered."
  3. effexxess

    Spider Farmer UV 30 Watt LED bars

    Are you running the UVA on a timer that's independent of your KS5000? If so, what timing?
  4. effexxess

    Can someone please confirm these as Russet Mites?

    Totally agree with xtsho! Don't know about your concern with affecting oils (neem?), but citric acid is a good knockdown. But russett mites are a real tenacious pest. Will require multiple rounds. Flying Skull Nukem, Amazing Doctor Zymes, Trifecta Crop Control. (Grandevo, but as preventative.)
  5. effexxess

    Medicated ice water bubble hash butter for the holidays

    This is terrific!!!:D:D:D
  6. effexxess

    Do any LED fixtures produce an HPS-like color?

    Yes, apparently for the OP. From original: "I know that many companies have added red LEDs, but they still don't produce light that looks like HPS light. It seems like it would be possible to recreate the HPS color with LEDs. "
  7. effexxess

    Do any LED fixtures produce an HPS-like color?

    You are obviously part of the global "them" haha. Interested in how your light achieves the UV and far-red spikes? What diodes? Other LEDs do not have this. Can you turn them on and off?
  8. effexxess

    First time grow

    Here's a current thread: Idea is to harvest nice juicy plump buds now and let the secondary buds go a little bit longer. Doesn't really matter for you I think you're in good shape.
  9. effexxess

    Coco SIP how and what to feed?

    You mean like these: AC Infinity Self-Watering Fabric Pot Base, 4-Pack
  10. effexxess

    First time grow

    Wow these look niiiice. You have amber, say 20%, and might want to wait a little bit longer. Perhaps do a progressive harvest (some now, some later)
  11. effexxess

    Coco SIP how and what to feed?

    Here's a good thread. Describes DIY 5 gallon bucket self watering system.
  12. effexxess

    5 gallon self wicking and monster cropping experiment

    Hey congratulations on your wicked nice wicking grow :) Could you share more on your wicking buckets?
  13. effexxess

    Should I remove leaves in veg?

    Don't take any fan leaves. Do take the advice and get fabric pots. Roots air prune themselves with fabric pots Do you like square? Here are 3 gallon square pots on sale (although you might want to go bigger): AC Infinity Square Heavy Duty Fabric Pots...
  14. effexxess

    Best LED for space

    Have you watched any of the Migro you tube videos from Shane Torpey? He makes, reviews and rates LEDs.
  15. effexxess

    Best LED for space

    Thank you @coreywebster. Been wondering about that for a minute now :) And, regarding COBs, they are kind of like diodes bunched together?
  16. effexxess

    Best LED for space

    What's the difference between light strips and quantum board LED lights? Are they technically the same thing, just the diodes in a different arrangement?
  17. effexxess


    Sharing this study. Don't know how legit it is. "Rx Green Technologies has undertaken a first of its kind study to determine the influence of different flushing times on the chemical profile, flavor, and combustion characteristics of Cannabis flower. " tldr "The results of this trial indicate...
  18. effexxess

    What did you consumer fucks buy today?

    The Clear, :weed: Grapevine Classic Cartridge | 1g THC: 98%
  19. effexxess

    Thrips how to treat

    Amblyseius cucumeris for the win! You can order them and looks like they are on sale. But maybe for next time, as "slow to establish - 4-8 weeks under ideal conditions - meaning they are best used for prevention and low-level management of thrips infestations"...
  20. effexxess

    Best new strains ..

    What do folks think about Mr Nice Seedbank? Very good deals in the auctions.