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  1. kratos015

    Just a struggling newbie...unsure of problem.

    I've been ordering Langbeinite on eBay in 5lb packages, not sure if you've checked, but you may be able to find it there also. Hopefully someone more local to you is supplying it, but definitely no point shipping anything half way across the planet. Let the bugs settle for a day or two, then...
  2. kratos015

    The capabilities of a simple soil (Outdoor edition)

    Sorry about the lack of posts everyone, I'm still doing quite well, just incredibly busy with less spare time than I was afforded in the past. I'll make a point to post an update tonight once I find the time. Now that I've got tons of stuff in jars I'll be able to do reviews of all the seeds I...
  3. kratos015

    Growing with purely peat, pumice, compost and worm castings?

    Heck yeah man, always down to help someone save money and not have to pull their wallet out. Especially when it comes to living soil! Your worm bin sounds absolutely perfect, you should definitely be able to use that for your next soil! Malibu compost makes a quality product from what I've...
  4. kratos015

    Just a struggling newbie...unsure of problem.

    I just use 1/2 of what the bottle tells me to use; if the bottle recommends 1tsp per gallon, I try 1/2tsp per gallon and see how the plants react. 0-0-17 might sound high, but I use Langbeinite constantly (0-0-22) and have noticed zero negative results. I went through some of your photos, your...
  5. kratos015

    Do my best, just a guy that's learned a lot the hard way. Happy to help!

    Do my best, just a guy that's learned a lot the hard way. Happy to help!
  6. kratos015

    Thoughts on utilizing SCRoG or SOG with height limitations (4 ft vertically)

    Happy to help, glad it was useful. For veg, you technically don't even need a room so long as the ambient temps/humidity are up to snuff. So, a small closet will work just fine if your RH and temps are good. Mother plants don't need to be perfect, they just need to survive and produce clones...
  7. kratos015

    Thoughts on utilizing SCRoG or SOG with height limitations (4 ft vertically)

    Hope all has been well with you too my man, good to see you. Incredible news that you don't have to worry about plant counts, you'll be able to harvest so much more now. No veg means 1 extra harvest per year, on average. And the harvests from SOG are much heavier than SCroG if done properly...
  8. kratos015

    Thoughts on utilizing SCRoG or SOG with height limitations (4 ft vertically)

    4ft in height is limited, especially accounting for the 1.5 ft of distance between the canopy and light. So, effectively only 2-2.5ft of vertical space. If you flower your plants out when they're 1ft tall, they'll grow 2-2.5 ft tall and you'll be good to go. I'm guessing plant count limits...
  9. kratos015

    Should I defoliate more

    Your canopy looks good to me. Even with it being difficult to see well with the LED lighting affecting the photos, I can still see plenty of bud sights there. Personally, I stop removing leaves once the stretch is done and they're forming budlets. Sure, there's the occasional exception, but...
  10. kratos015

    12k mini split is it enough?please help

    Many of us here have learned the hard way that you cannot skimp on the AC indoors. When I ran 4400w Single Ended bulbs I was running two 15k BTU window units. I could have got away with 2 12k units, but fact is, I'd have been beyond fucked if I only had a single 15k unit. Happy growing.
  11. kratos015

    The capabilities of a simple soil (Outdoor edition)

    Spring is officially here and I'm just as stoked and energetic as these plants are about it. I'm only half way through transplanting all of the solo cups into their 2g pots. Lot of work to do by myself, especially when my body doesn't work like it used to. Regardless, still thankful for what I...
  12. kratos015

    outdoor season incoming

    So long as you have a light to interrupt the dark cycle, you can put clones outdoors at any time. My clones came from 18/6 veg room; putting them outside now they would certainly flower and reveg. I simply put them close to my porch light, turn the porch light on for a couple of hours in the...
  13. kratos015

    The capabilities of a simple soil (Outdoor edition)

    Canopy indoors is filling out nicely; been in 12/12 since 3/7/2022, so barely even a few weeks. Can't wait to see what this yields. Not looking too shabby for a single 1000w DE bulb. This is the Bruce Banner plant I put into the 25g pot filled with 15g of soil. It is only receiving...
  14. kratos015

    The capabilities of a simple soil (Outdoor edition)

    Here is what is currently flowering outdoors, showing all of the beat up and stressed plants first. The plants in those 2g pots that look stressed are the Greenpoint seeds. These results are because of actions I took, and not at all the fault of Greenpoint seeds, nor a proper representation...
  15. kratos015

    The capabilities of a simple soil (Outdoor edition)

    Now that winter is over, my yields can finally get back up to par where they should be. I learned a lot this winter, namely, what strains are able to handle the 25-35F winter nights. All of these plants were put in the ground in the middle of January and were harvested last week, and some a few...
  16. kratos015

    The capabilities of a simple soil (Outdoor edition)

    The newly transplanted 5g plants look happy enough. Node spacing is a little lackluster, but they've been under shade for a while. I expect this to improve with a combination of their new home, and coconut water. I LST the plants instead of topping. I only top if I'm going to make it a clone...
  17. kratos015

    The capabilities of a simple soil (Outdoor edition)

    You know it! I mostly just piss into my 2g water jug and dilute it with water, then apply my free liquid Nitrogen to the plants as needed. If nothing needs Nitrogen, I'll either piss on the compost pile, or I'll piss on some of the woodchips to help them decompose faster. I guess you could say...
  18. kratos015

    The capabilities of a simple soil (Outdoor edition)

    Hey RIU, I'm still around, just incredibly busy since having undertaken so many new projects. I'll attempt to post more, but can't promise it will be as often as it used to be. Thankfully, the bulk of the important information has already been posted. A simple base soil of peat/perlite/compost...
  19. kratos015

    Suggestions for correcting soil that has too much calcium?

    Few questions for you, if you don't mind. What can you tell me about your water? As you can see from above, K lockout happens at 7.5-8.0 pH. While you do have a good amount of Ca amendments in the soil, I don't believe it should be enough to lockout K. In fact, to confirm this, if the...
  20. kratos015

    McShnutz's Muts [No-Till/ water only]

    Grow looks perfect, doubt you'll be getting any criticism from anyone here. Textbook example of not only how things should look, but be done. Love the simplicity of the homemade soil recipe. Very well done, and very good work. Can't wait to see the buds.