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  1. S

    4x4 tent with humboldt seed genetics 8 plants

    Hi guys I have these lady's at 6 weeks old We have 3 all gas og on the left 1 blue berry pancakes front middle 1 banna melts middle center And 3 jelly donuts on the right all doing great only one having a issue is the all gas og on the left center leaves are cunning Temperature is 77 Humidity is...
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    Side of the leafs are curling inwards help

    Run off is exactly at 2000 but My ec is thru the roof at 7000
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    Side of the leafs are curling inwards help

    No we have 3 all gas og on the left 3 jelly donuts on the 3righr and 1 blue berry pancakes in the middle front and 1 banna melt in the middle center
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    Plant leaves turning yellow and brown almost like burn please help!!!

    Update banana melt is turning yellow on the tip of the fan leafs and one all gas og is still cunning but seems to have stopped or atleast I think
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    Side of the leafs are curling inwards help

    I am going to water tomorrow and al update you on the run off ph
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    Side of the leafs are curling inwards help

    Do you think I should just flush then if run off is low ?
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    Side of the leafs are curling inwards help

    Ppm levels are at 750 run off Soil is Fox farm strawberry fields So I should add epsom salt to there watering I added it Because I thought it would help with magnesium and I already did foiler spray too also And I give then cal mag not sure if that helps also am new too all these am not a pro...
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    Side of the leafs are curling inwards help

    That won't solve my problem of the one plant leafs cunning any opinions on that?
  9. S

    Is this light or heat stress leafs cunning

    They started in happy frog in a 1.5 gallon pot and transplanted 2 weeks ago in to a 5 gallon strawberry fields by fox farm Nutrients are Fox farm grow 10 ml Micro 5ml Cal mag 5ml Hygrozyme 2.5ml And epsom salt every 2 weeks I feed Monday, water wendsday and feed again Friday and water Sunday...
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    Is this light or heat stress leafs cunning

    What is necrotic spots ? What do you suggest I do I gave them pure empsom salt and cal mag already in there feed
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    Side of the leafs are curling inwards help

    So should I put the light back to 60 percent power to get temperature up to 80-82 . I am giving them Fox farm grow 10 ml per gallon Cal mag 5ml Flora micro 5ml Hygrozyme 2.5ml Gave them espom salt 1 week ago for calcium I really need any advice I can get
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    Is this light or heat stress leafs cunning

    So what would be your opinion
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    Side of the leafs are curling inwards help

    They look great just that issue with one plant of the leaves cunning and curling up but I really doubt it's light or heat I got a sensor to read the light and it's at 450-500 is that too high for them