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  1. sensimilius

    Dead or alive ?

    Yeah I'm sticking to paper towel method from now on. Tried it on my first two grows. Worked like a charm. All grows after that I planted directly in the medium to keep it 'natural' or whatever. They seemed to sprout much faster that way btw. But that was in the hot season.
  2. sensimilius

    Dead or alive ?

    Sucks man :s Were they in the same condition when you uncovered them ?
  3. sensimilius

    Dead or alive ?

    yeah that's what I'm thinking, the extra warmth could help Absolutely. I always water the medium before planting and spray the surface a couple times after covering the seed. I also saran wrap the pot to preserve humidity. I'm pretty positive its just the damp soil giving it that hue. I mean...
  4. sensimilius

    Dead or alive ?

    No shit wouldn't mind shedding this tendency at some point though So it isn't dead I'm guessing. Would spraying the soil with warmer water help at all ? What about light ? I currently got under this 50W led thing. First winter grow btw
  5. sensimilius

    Dead or alive ?

    Hey guys. Planted a seed directly into soil 1 cm deep and been steadily spraying with RO water as soon as the soil starts drying. I'm used to seeds sprouting 3-4 days after planting. I was told wait a week. Now that it's been 10 days, I figured It probably had died from the cold water I soaked...
  6. sensimilius

    lower leaves black, yellow and crispy. what is it ?

    Gonna keep the light at a distance and start watering with distilled water instead of the RO for now, see what that gives.
  7. sensimilius

    lower leaves black, yellow and crispy. what is it ?

    You think the RO water could have something to do with the deff. ? I mean the process does squeeze out all minerals and chemicals after all, many of which could be of benefit to the plant (calcium etc..)
  8. sensimilius

    lower leaves black, yellow and crispy. what is it ?

    Btw i dunno how clear it is in the photo but the yellowing messed up leaves aren’t fan leaves but the first growth after the cotyledons (no fingers). I’ve been told these die out soon enough. Seems too soon though no ?
  9. sensimilius

    lower leaves black, yellow and crispy. what is it ?

    Oh it’s purple alright
  10. sensimilius

    lower leaves black, yellow and crispy. what is it ?

    Only reason i say nute burn is cause earlier in the thread someone mentioned it as a potential cause. I dunno man this part of the growing is always a tricky one for me
  11. sensimilius

    lower leaves black, yellow and crispy. what is it ?

    Been watering about 0.3 liters RO water every 3-4 days. When you say underfed, you mean N def ? Cause now one one hand it’s nute burn and the other its N def. Which is it ?
  12. sensimilius

    lower leaves black, yellow and crispy. what is it ?

    Guys, now some of the upper leaves tips are turning brownish and starting to yellow. What’s the deal ? Light’s about 1.5 feet far
  13. sensimilius

    lower leaves black, yellow and crispy. what is it ?

    That's right, my bad.
  14. sensimilius

    lower leaves black, yellow and crispy. what is it ?

    That's what i call sound advice lol
  15. sensimilius

    lower leaves black, yellow and crispy. what is it ?

    Yeah i know. Winter temps can be a bitch though :s
  16. sensimilius

    lower leaves black, yellow and crispy. what is it ?

    Anyone else care to chime in ? Gonna raise my lights way up. See how she responds to that. Forget to mention: room temp steady around 60-80; moisture around 50-55%
  17. sensimilius

    lower leaves black, yellow and crispy. what is it ?

    I use RO mainly to keep a steady ph (we have HARD water where i'm from) and supplement whatever's filtered out during the RO process with organic nutes (calcium etc..) Mmm...I've been told many times: dark green leaves = nute burn; yellowing lower leaves = nute deficiency; medium is store...
  18. sensimilius

    lower leaves black, yellow and crispy. what is it ?

    hey guys. repotted this baby a week ago cause it was starting to get lanky. I've had it under one 600W LED about 8 inches away since (to avoid stretching, also to gauge how close is too close as far as lights are concerned). new growth coming out a healthy green albeit with some canoeing, and...
  19. sensimilius

    Male or female ?

    Shit sign me up :grin:
  20. sensimilius

    Male or female ?

    Got it. Gosh this stuff sure can get confusing at first...