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  1. Pete Jones III

    Jacks for Dummies

    If you used this jacks citrus in soil, how much can you add ?
  2. Pete Jones III

    Jack Classic Nutes, Dynamic DUO? ?

    Would 2 teaspoons per gallon of soil be enough or does it need higher amounts for it to work right with Jacks classic?
  3. Pete Jones III

    Best way to use Jack's Classic Fertilizer

    This sounds very important. Does the urea nitrogen help lower the ph of most tap waters which is typically 7-9 ph?
  4. Pete Jones III

    The Never Ending Abuse of Phosphorous (Bloom foods) to Enhance Flowering

    Whats your tap water ppm where this works out for you?
  5. Pete Jones III

    RIU members who swear by Jacks Classic

    You use your tap water with the citrus feed? Do you know how many ppm in your water?
  6. Pete Jones III

    RIU members who swear by Jacks Classic

    You don't add Epsom salt or cal mag at any point? Also do you use tap water?
  7. Pete Jones III

    Using fruit to enhance your flavor

    So its not good to use citric acid to lower soil ph because it will kill microbes?
  8. Pete Jones III

    Stop blaming "issues" on pH people! aka "ah cant take no mo'!

    I'm considering using RO Water instead of my tap as all my experiments trying to get my 200-220ppm tap water to not destroy my garden fail. Declorinating , vinegar, sulfuric acid ph down, nothing works
  9. Pete Jones III

    High PH signs, symptoms and correcting...Pictorial!! A must read for newb'z

    What would be a good way to lower the ph of soil in a container?
  10. Pete Jones III

    High PH signs, symptoms and correcting...Pictorial!! A must read for newb'z

    Thanks. This info is handy. This helped me confirm my ph is too high.