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  1. Tetrahedral

    Over Dried - bother curing or just smoke?

    Sticky is not dry, it's oil and water, when the water leaves it it will be dry. If you have ever pressed hash you will understand that dried trichs contain little water and it is pressure and heat that allow them to become sticky briefly. You should stop snapping stems, snap some bud into a...
  2. Tetrahedral

    Light intensity reading

    Have you watched the YouTube phone meter and quantum comparisons?
  3. Tetrahedral

    Tent getting hot 84⁰ f HELP!

    No we should discuss leaf temperature sometime just not here.
  4. Tetrahedral

    Cant find the ideal levels for drying my harvest!!!

    You can dry in a range of humidities and it will produce the same dried bud at the end, you can't do that with temperature so much so temps would be the most important in your situation. For you I'd split your harvest and start working it out, these sites have a lot of real bad info on this...
  5. Tetrahedral

    Tent getting hot 84⁰ f HELP!

    Yes you can cut the leaves in soil or touching.
  6. Tetrahedral

    Tent getting hot 84⁰ f HELP!

    A lot of it isn't absorbed but reflected, let's copy and paste from a scientific study from some great lab technicians who post on researchgate With solar energy a single layer of leaves will generally absorb 80% of incoming visible radiation, whilst reflecting 10% and transmitting 10%. With...
  7. Tetrahedral

    Tent getting hot 84⁰ f HELP!

    I can't follow that, it has very little scientific meaning but it does sell LEDs and make HP's look terrible. At a hobby level I understand, it's not explaining much though, leaf temp is a much larger dynamic so is spectrum and as pointed out cannabis is not related to vpd in the sense of...
  8. Tetrahedral

    First defoliation after 12/12?

    You really don't need to defoliate looking at your grow, when you overgrow then need to cut back it's great but yours haven't and lack of training has left a more Christmas tree style that wants all its leaves left on. You can read and it does seem like defoliating is essential but it's not...
  9. Tetrahedral

    Tent getting hot 84⁰ f HELP!

    I think we need a larger civil debate on this, it's really an led claim not a scientific claim. It conflicts with a lot of things.
  10. Tetrahedral

    Tent getting hot 84⁰ f HELP!

    It would be more accurate to say the thermometer getting the most light is the hottest. Certain laws arrange the photon packets into energy conversion along the thermometer independently warming it above the air temperature. It would also be accurate to say the thermometer with the greatest...
  11. Tetrahedral

    Tent getting hot 84⁰ f HELP!

    No I was questioning the logic between leaf temperature from air and light and them not being the same. If you have airflow it should be easy to hang a hundred and so led CFL combo at those temps. Maybe your thermometer isn't in the right place to read accurate.
  12. Tetrahedral


    Leave them two weeks then, smell is from it being dry not curing, sounds like it was still a tad damp in places after the week drying which kills the smell and taste if it's jarred then.
  13. Tetrahedral

    Tent getting hot 84⁰ f HELP!

    Leaves regulate to the same temperature and air heat isn't exciting electrons like a photon will so if it's cooler under LEDs then less photons hit the leaf. I keep seeing it said, yet to have come across it in a lab or field just led growers.
  14. Tetrahedral

    Bag seeds !!?!? Anyone else like watching what they turn out to be ?

    Bag seed is more likely stressed Herm or such, forcing is more likely the breeder of the original seeds.
  15. Tetrahedral

    Bag seeds !!?!? Anyone else like watching what they turn out to be ?

    It might be from a Herm but the pictures here show there is no real risk.
  16. Tetrahedral

    Male or female ?

    Buds grow a million tiny flowers over eight weeks, it will be fine even if you do pollinate the first flowers just leave the plant till it shows its sex and not guessing.
  17. Tetrahedral

    Male or female ?

    Yes that's the general idea
  18. Tetrahedral

    First defoliation after 12/12?

    Suggested reading of those who do not defoliate then so you can see that what your reading isnt the great set of info it thinks it is.
  19. Tetrahedral

    Male or female ?

    Risk what? You haven't got anything to risk yet, week 2 is a no risk week and week 3 probably is too.