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  1. D

    Topping Mephisto autoflowers

    Funny enough, I think I topped GWK too late and stunted it. Being my first grow, I ran into issues. mostly with PH. Will get some pics later when I'm home. Something I have learned is that with autos, less is more, especially the first 3 weeks. Just let that shit grow and don't touch it. I'm...
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    I need help.

    I wouldn't do more than 1/4 strength for nutes at that stage if you even need any. Looks like nute burn to me. Just water, don't feed nutrients until your plants show you that they need it. But more than that, check your PH. Are you checking the PH when watering? Are you checking the PH of the...
  3. D

    How do you feel about topping auto flowers?

    I'm growing autos because I veg and flower in the same tent and I don't have to stagger anything. But those are all valid points and autos aren't easier to grow, they're just different. In some respects, they're more difficult because you can't just keep vegging longer to get a plant healthy...
  4. D

    How's it looking so far (auto day 23)

    Oh I'm sorry about that, I have an adblocker so I didn't even realize there are NSFW ads there. Maybe it's cause I listed it as adult? My apologies. Gonna look into a new image host, I don't like imgur. I think pihole is killing all the ads so I don't see anything.
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    Son of BOG selling his dad’s seeds

    Hopefully someone keeps those genetics around.
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    How's it looking so far (auto day 23)

    Got two mephistos going. Grape Walker Kush and Skywalker. Both on day 23. Both have been topped, GWK on day 19 and Skywalker on Day 20. LST was started after topping. Doing some leaf tucking as well. In hindsight, I should have started LST earlier but I think it's still okay. Everything was...
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    Son of BOG selling his dad’s seeds

    Sorry to bump an old thread but are these gone for good? Sad cause he kept the lineages true.
  8. D

    Grow lights

    Grow space, budget? Have you looked at any threads? This questions is asked every day.
  9. D

    Stuck in Seedling Stage??

    If you're growing in coco, that needs nutrients. Coco has nothing.
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    FFOF how long until I will need to use nutes?

    So I've been seeing some yellowing of the 1st node and a little of the 2nd node leaves but otherwise everything looks good. I'll do just water today and perhaps for the next watering I'll feed. I'll need to read the nute bottles cause there are 3, and I have no idea what any of them do LOL
  11. D

    Why is one of my Plants dying?

    You're killing it with water and nutrients. If it's an auto, start again. If it's a photo, stop watering it and stop feeding it nutrients. For photos, I've read it's best to start in a small pot, but for autos just put it straight into its final pot.
  12. D

    FFOF how long until I will need to use nutes?

    Growing Mephisto skywalker and and grape walker kush. I started my girls in FFOF mixed in with ~30% additional perlite in 3g fabric pots. I've been watering around every 4ish days but lately I haven't watered in 6 days because the girls weren't looking like they needed it. Pots are light though...
  13. D

    Is it leaf curl ?

    Agreed with with Tracker said, leaves look fine, stem looks stretched.
  14. D

    Found some mephisto

    Mephisto was super quick for me. 4-5 days. Growing some now.
  15. D

    How do you feel about topping auto flowers?

    I topped above 5 once 6 started coming in. Running mephisto skywalker and grape walker kush. GWK was a day ahead of Skywalker but both have bounced back quick from the top. I did it on day 19 and 20. I probably wouldn't do it if I hadn't been at 6 or 7 nodes by end of week 3 cause it's risky...
  16. D

    Big gaps between nodes?

    Agreed. I just started LST after topping my girls yesterday and I'm hoping to eventually get something like that lol.
  17. D

    Big gaps between nodes?

    I've been using a lux meter on my phone to dial in the lumens instead of just doing X distance with X power. Been following this guide: So I've been keeping it around 40k lumens in the middle of the canopy during veg. For me it's 18" at...
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    Controlling smell without tent

    Grow lights are extremely bright, you're gonna get real sick of that brightness. Just get a tent...
  19. D

    Topping Mephisto autoflowers

    I thought my plants were going slow at first but good to see I'm at a decent place right now. Hopefully the topping works and I don't end up fucking up the yield. Never done autos.
  20. D

    Topping Mephisto autoflowers

    Cool. So chopping after the 5th should be fine. Haven't done any LST yet so that's the next thing to try to flatten it as much as possible. My tent is only 63" high so I do need as much space as I can get. Not sure what these ladies are gonna do.