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  1. Breezee77

    How to get C02 tanks without suspicion

    Ok, so I'm growing some veggies am wondering how you can get C02 tanks without suspicion. This is for the tomatoes in the basement, but if someone asks, then they will probably think I'm growing weed of course. Anyway, how can you get c02 without setting up an official account with someone...
  2. Breezee77

    Correctly Jar Curing with RH meter

    How do you rehydrate the boveda packs? I have some, but they are hard now. I actually think it's something wrong with the caps. I put in a regular RH meter inside the jars and it says 56%, but the cap only says 45-50%… I don't understand why all 4 caps would be bad though… I don't think...
  3. Breezee77

    Correctly Jar Curing with RH meter

    I put a regular RH meter in one jar and the caps on others. The RH in the jar says 55%, the others say 45-50%… So not sure what's up with them.. I just bought them like 4 months ago.
  4. Breezee77

    Correctly Jar Curing with RH meter

    Yea man, they haven't changed at all yet, but will be keeping an eye on them for sure! It does smell great though! Thanks a ton!
  5. Breezee77

    Correctly Jar Curing with RH meter

    Great man thanks… I'll keep an eye on them.. Still pretty low as of now though… How come you asked me which RH caps I was using? Do you use those ones? They were sitting out for a couple months since I bought them… Are they faulty or anything?
  6. Breezee77

    Budding in veg?

    They have been in veg about 30-40 days now.. So do you think I can keep veging another 14 days and then flower them all the same time. Would you continue giving them veg nutes and then keep them all on the same nute schedule for flower or how exactly would you do that? Would you keep them on...
  7. Breezee77

    Correctly Jar Curing with RH meter

    Both of them actually. There is 2 of each kind I have. I can report back after they have been there a full 24 or even 36… How long do you usually notice after that it goes up?
  8. Breezee77

    Correctly Jar Curing with RH meter

    So here is what happened: 1. Lights shut off and left in the dark for 48 hours. 2. Cut and hung 3. Waited until the stems would snap but not break 4. Fully trimmed and put on drying rack for 1-2 days 5. Put into jars with RH meter caps. Ok, so on step 5, they were put into jars filled 1/2 way...
  9. Breezee77

    Best Places In The World For Making a Living In The Cannabis Industry

    Yea, I saw in a documentary that the state is tracking every plant via GPS in the state of Colorado I believe it was… What kind of hoops? Are you able to share what state it's in? I agree with your theory on high quality cannabis lol…
  10. Breezee77

    Budding in veg?

    Yes, you are right… Those are 2 different plants and the same strain… Anyway, these are about 2 ft tall from soil to top… Way smaller than we wanted… 1/2 the plants are this strain and the other 1/2 is not, so I'm going to have to figure out what to do. Just to make sure, there is no way that...
  11. Breezee77

    Budding in veg?

    Would there be a reason I can't find anything online about quantum kush auto flower? Maybe it's not the most popular strain, but is supposed to be very good.
  12. Breezee77

    Budding in veg?

    Your right! Ok, I'm going to try to chill. Yes, I just noticed it on one plant, but there seems to be more development overnight, so here are the pictures.. The first one is one that is not severe yet, the second one actually seems to have crystals and hairs coming out of it :/ The other...
  13. Breezee77

    Budding in veg?

    So if this is an auto flower somehow, then is it going to still produce bud whenever it's on 24/0? Is that going to mess it up at all if it's putting out buds under that light? I put it from 18/6 to 24/0 and put stronger lights on it… Are these the correct steps to hopefully convert it back...
  14. Breezee77

    Budding in veg?

    Yea this particular one is Quantum Kush I believe. Damn man! What do I do if this is an auto flower strain? Is it possible the other plants that I have that are the same strain won't auto flower too? Also, if these things are budding right now what am I supposed to do? Not expecting this one!!!
  15. Breezee77

    Budding in veg?

    First off, thanks for the help! I don't see any balls under them. Here are some better pictures so you can see them. Dirtpower - I put them under stronger light and switched them to 24… If there are no balls under them does that mean that they are not male or pollenating? Do I have to...
  16. Breezee77

    Budding in veg?

    Oh gees! Do you mean this could contaminate the other plants? Should I foliar them down with water or something to make sure they don't produce seeds now? If this is what it is, should I pitch it? It looks kind of like the picture in the link you have. You can see what looks like crystals...
  17. Breezee77

    Budding in veg?

    I just noticed this! I noticed this plant that is under a T5 seems to be budding! Am I seeing this correctly? How did this happen? They are under 18/6 and this one may not have been the most direct light, but they were all under it. If this is indeed buds, could it reversed? Do they need...
  18. Breezee77

    Best Places In The World For Making a Living In The Cannabis Industry

    One of colorado's regulations is they have to track each plant with their $125 device…. Not sure on the exact details, but I believe it was $125 each plant each time. Yes I agree! Are those what the fees are in Colorado? Isn't there a way to get insurance for a lose of crop? I totally...
  19. Breezee77

    Best Places In The World For Making a Living In The Cannabis Industry

    This is cool. How about the winter time? So seriously, if the best stuff is $280, what kind of stuff does the guy to the stand next to you have for $100? Seems pretty low price when the stores have them for a lot higher of a price… Cultivation license? See, I heard Colorado that it's...
  20. Breezee77

    Are they almost ready?

    Weeks left! Hopefully just 1 week :) Thanks for your thoughts! I really appreciate it!