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  1. B

    Soil Moisture Meters...Do They Work?

    Ok I read this post and would like to add one thing I use 2 rows of nets in a tent with 2 decent size plants in 10's so not that easy to lift the pot so the meters are a good tool in my situation and maybe others as well.
  2. B

    Large pots dry at bottom slightly damp at top

    I updated my account in here to reflect my google hangouts.
  3. B

    More plants vs Less plants for LST

    That is what I do same as that but I am using 7 gallon pots and pretty sure I should move to 10's what are you using if I may ask.
  4. B

    Nutrients for soil grows

    Nectar for the gods Greek Regimen Bio Ag Ful power and 2 forms of tea one for Veg one for Flower
  5. B

    Large pots dry at bottom slightly damp at top

    PM meaning private message ? I may get a few of these meters I only do 4 plants per 2 4x4 tents so not a great expense.
  6. B

    Large pots dry at bottom slightly damp at top

    One think I did not mention that is important is my humidity is low like 20 as that room has a wood stove in it.
  7. B

    Large pots dry at bottom slightly damp at top

    Interesting I do think I could up the amount I only use a gallon in each 7 gallon pot can you define stages for me like wait 10 minutes or an hour or day.
  8. B

    Large pots dry at bottom slightly damp at top

    I think because I end up root bound by the time I am in flower that the roots are sucking it all up where there are not so many roots at the top.
  9. B

    Large pots dry at bottom slightly damp at top

    If I was able to pick them up would help but I am LST and using nets so not as easy that and they are 7's and one is in rear really cannot lift it
  10. B

    Are you going to vote for the Democratic nominee regardless of who it is against Trump?

    I guess my point is why restrict the question to 2 parties especially when they both suck so bad.
  11. B

    Large pots dry at bottom slightly damp at top

    Sorry yes another watering post I am growing in 4x4 tents 1000w bloom boss lights using root organics original soil in 7 gallon pots on risers inline 6 inch fans no carbon filter (no kids live in mass where legal so don't care about smell) nectar for the gods Greek regimen. I have many...
  12. B

    Are you going to vote for the Democratic nominee regardless of who it is against Trump?

    I am surprised there is not some libertarian option in this poll.