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  1. Sawzall77

    Greenhouse Grow Jack Herer

    Here’s my JH from i49 seed bank. Says it’s a fast flowering version. Went into flower only about a week ago... will be a super tight finish, really hoping for an Indian summer this year!
  2. Sawzall77

    1st outdoor grow

    My greenhouse has humidity levels of over 90% in the early mornings.... already found a little bud rot on my granddaddy purple...had to cut a few buds out. I now have 2 big box fans running on that plant. Is there something else I can do to bring it down? Will the humidity levels in the morning...
  3. Sawzall77

    Still issues after cal mag? Confused

    Like skoal said about the cal mag... know what your putting in the soil. Cal mag has some N and your plants are really not needing much of N anymore but much more P and K. No more cal mag if you just fed them imo. Epsom salts if you haven’t maybe...
  4. Sawzall77

    Need help for diagnose and fix

    2-4 weeks to fully ripen imo
  5. Sawzall77

    Still issues after cal mag? Confused

    Soil ph of 7 is just fine... different strains and such will flower at different times, not necessarily at 14 hr days FYI. My granddaddy purple started to flower July 20th up here in Canada... All my others are about 2 weeks into flower except my BC big bud for some reason... still in stretch...
  6. Sawzall77

    Still issues after cal mag? Confused

    The stage he is at.... yes it’s normal for fan leaves to yellow 100% ... not ALL just some.... but more and more the later into flower they get. Mature, ripe plants will certainly ALWAYS have yellowing, faded leaves. The plant naturally does this near the end of its life cycle. A completely...
  7. Sawzall77

    Still issues after cal mag? Confused

    How far into flower are your plants? It is normal for leaves to start yellowing the farther you get into flower and is actually a good sign as the plants don’t need nearly as much nitrogen in flower. Since we severely cut nitrogen feeding in flower, the little nitrogen the plants need will suck...
  8. Sawzall77

    Pot too small?

    Yeah lights play a huge roll growing indoor... obviously... it’s a small fortune for quality lights to effectively illuminate any kind of decent sized space...
  9. Sawzall77

    Pot too small?

    Okay so you vegged for about 4 weeks before flip... yield is on the low end imo if you had everything dialed in feeding wise and some LST, topping, dimming, super cropping etc. Will all increase yields and you will gain experience with each grow and be rewarded for it by more yields!! You can do...
  10. Sawzall77

    Best strains for September harvests?

    Lol he’s talking bout Larry Bird lol
  11. Sawzall77

    Can’t cover them, mold prevention?

    Got some pics for us? See what your working with That’s tough to deal with at this point for sure. Next year I’m sure you will have it up good and early lol The girls really stretch!
  12. Sawzall77

    Can somebody tell me if my plants are autos there almost 2 months old

    Could be... but outdoor plants are flowering now so not necessarily... someone may know something I don’t from the pictures... either way your in flower! if they are autos you still have another 4-5 weeks imo
  13. Sawzall77

    Pot too small?

    Oh yeah that’s too small a container for 2 months of veg... I’m surprised there aren’t more roots circling. 2 months of veg plus seedling stage (3 weeks ish) right? If so... at least a 5G.... 7 or 10 even better I suppose. What was your yield like? As long as you kept up with feeding I’m...
  14. Sawzall77

    Pot too small?

    What container size? How long did you veg for?
  15. Sawzall77

    Need help for diagnose and fix

    Sticks and/or string to help hold those colas up for you... maybe use bungee cords horizontally around the outside of your tent from pole to pole (at the right height) then you can bungee throughout the tent hooking up to the bungee cords around the perimeter. Kinda like forming a grid like...
  16. Sawzall77

    Need help for diagnose and fix

    If you are 8 weeks from light switch... You are probably closer to 6 weeks only of flower and likely have 2-4 weeks to fully mature and ripen. Once you switch to 12/12 the plant will go into a ‘stretch’ phase that can last 1-2 weeks... after the stretch you see little budlets start to form and...
  17. Sawzall77

    Need help for diagnose and fix

    how many weeks since 12/12 lighting?? i agree with macsnax that it's a simple weight issue due to your ladies putting on that sought after weight we all wait so impatiently for. lol they look pretty good to me... have you any supports in there for your plants? its always a good idea to support...
  18. Sawzall77

    The Continuing Outdoor Adventures of doublejj v.2019

    Since we are showing off our doggies ima join in!! Lol.... Mama and my boy(s)!!
  19. Sawzall77

    1st outdoor grow

    Just got back from a 7 night trip to Algonquin and every plant is now in flower and must have grown a foot over the last week... gonna have to start closing in the greenhouse soon!
  20. Sawzall77

    1st outdoor grow

    What’s happening here? ...all pics are of the same plant...