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  1. tstick

    Upgrading from last grow

    Well, I'm going to try and be gentle.....Those lights are probably not the best. They are generally known as "Blurples" because they put out that bluish-purple light. They are kind of "yesterday's fad" kind of lights. They have been outmoded by many of the newer-style "full-spectrum white"...
  2. tstick

    Upgrading from last grow

    Unfamiliar with them. The only other place that I've purchased seeds is directly from the Archive Seed Bank....They have really nice stuff....but, man, they are expensive!
  3. tstick

    Upgrading from last grow

    Definitely! I use the D.C. Seed Exchange. ANYTHING from Bob Bitchen's that I've gotten has been good so far. I'd steer clear of Hazeman. Everything I've gotten from them is mediocre. Copa has some good stuff. I'd recommend that you buy feminized seeds so that you have less chance of...
  4. tstick

    Upgrading from last grow

    Because autos are a stupid trend Auto flower cannabis ruderalis is not marijuana. It's a completely different species of plant.
  5. tstick

    Upgrading from last grow

    Well, it looks like you are trying to set up a clean, organized space. It's nice to see grow spaces that are set up well and kept clean. Lots of grows, I see dogs, cats, work boots, dirty clothes, dead leaves, splashed dirty water.....and, usually with the associated bug problems, chewed leaves...
  6. tstick

    To Tent or Not to Tent

    I agree. I use my 3 X 3 tent in a seasonal way. The growing-space can be used for other purposes the rest of the year. Packing up a 3 X 3 tent and putting it in the attic for storage is no problem, but I'd hate to have to deal with anything much larger than a 4 X 4.
  7. tstick

    Soil-less mixes vs dirt

    There are a few discussions about how you don't have to pH your water if you grow in soil because the soil, itself, will naturally buffer the pH. It is my belief that this is a misconception. I have a vegetable garden outside and I am always amazed at how much "stuff" is going on in every...
  8. tstick

    What PH should my water be?

    Man, I had this exact problem with my last grow. I'll tell you what fixed it.... I had mixed up my soil(less) mix and thought it was good, but my plants started looking badly deficient at about 3 weeks into veg. I knew the mix had plenty of nutes in it so it couldn't be a deficiency. Then, I...
  9. tstick

    weaker strains, more terpines, any sugestions please

    In my experience, the most flavorful strains were the old landrace strains. They certainly didn't have the highest THC, but they were much more fun. But then, growers stopped trying to grow for flavor and went for high THC. Until the breeding programs, in general, get back to breeding for...
  10. tstick

    strange ph issues with soil and tap water

    I had a pH issue at the beginning of my last run. I knew the mix had plenty of nutes in it, but the plants were locked out from getting any of it due to extremely low pH (4.0). Fortunately, the mix I use is really open and basically made up of inert stuff, so it was pretty easy to leach it with...
  11. tstick

    Gorilla or AC Infinity ? Ive had cheap. Bad zippers!

    Well....I have a Gorilla Shorty and it's very high quality, but I don't like the design. It has too many zippers. The zippers are good, but I had one come off the zipper track and it was a pain to fix it. I did fix it, though and it works fine, now. I like the one-zipper design that most all...
  12. tstick

    What would you pick led or hps?

    Well, I can't disagree that your Vivo sun lights will do the job just fine. Almost any light will grow weed. I know that from growing weed under every kind of light there is for the last 50 years. And yeah, the equipment craze is in full swing now. We've got Cannatrol for curing weed. We've got...
  13. tstick

    Tent booster

    Nice sentiment! I'm sure your bro will appreciate the effort. Plus, as you know, growing can be very therapeutic when you need to put your mind into focus. I know that I have completely forgotten about problems when I'm working around my plants or in my garden. Good job, man!
  14. tstick

    Closet and venting

    One thing that you might consider.....If there is space between the bottom of the door and the floor, then you could mock up some kind of cardboard box with a space cutout that corresponds to the space under the door....and then cut out a hole on the top of that box, connect the duct from the...
  15. tstick

    Closet and venting

  16. tstick

    Everything going to hell over and over.

    Scrap the overly-complicated and finicky hydro -until you are 100% ready and have the time to dedicate to it. Get some garden pots and some kind of potting mix and K.I.S.S.! ;)
  17. tstick

    What would you pick led or hps?

    "Trump and Cherry"? I've never even heard of that one! LOL! But, that's my point.....The selection of the cultivars must just be random -whatever was available at the time of testing or something...And I get what you're suggesting, but in my own experience, there are cultivars that have...
  18. tstick

    What would you pick led or hps?

    Not only the spectrums, but whichever cultivars they were dealing with. Different cultivars have different light optimums. These studies never seem to name specific cultivars....It's just to be assumed that all marijuana is the same and will respond to whatever spectral adjustments in the same...
  19. tstick

    Need a new grinder

    I have a Mendo Mulcher that I bought years ago. It doesn't really work for me because the buds I grow and smoke are waaaaay too sticky. They just end up gummed up in the teeth of the grinder and the screen gets covered in resin to the point nothing passes through it. I retired it and just use...
  20. tstick

    4 days of drying and my buds are crispy and crumble upon touch

    Auto flowering marijuana is a relatively new "thing" and I think it panders to younger crowds who grew up with it. If it's no different other than light schedule, then why does it look and grow differently? That's an indication that it's definitely not the same type of plant. In my view, why...