Search results

  1. T

    Grow lights

    What's better Ford or Chevy? Same idea.
  2. T

    Best current 1:1 strain recommendations

    Yeah, that's what I thought. The question just isn't that clear.
  3. T

    Best current 1:1 strain recommendations

    1:1 what? What do you mean?
  4. T

    Did I go to far with trim ?

    Refering back to the first few posts. You really need "before" and "after" pics so we can tell what the hell you did.
  5. T

    Normal Sativa Stretch???

    What he said!
  6. T

    Pot Size?

    You really must be new around here.
  7. T

    Desert Guerilla Grow

    What is the temperature going to be like in a month or so?
  8. T

    Super soil

    Because the NPK of Langbeinite is pure Potassium - it throws off the balance. At least cut the amount of Langbeinite down to a very small portion
  9. T

    Super soil

    Yeah, lose the Langbeinite and do the math again!
  10. T

    poxy clocks

    I've never heard of "poxy clocks", what are they?
  11. T

    Extractor size

    Yeah, I was going to reply "What the Hell is a "Roof Cube?" (I figured it was a typo).
  12. T

    Lunar calendar for plants

    I didn't realize there were astrologers for plants.
  13. T

    Light from naked flame Gas Co2 generator when lights are off

    Sometimes you feel better if you just do something. Rig up something like a lampshade if it will make you feel better.
  14. T

    how many clones can i cut from a 2-months mother?

    It is said; when you're prunning a plant, not to take more than 25% of the folage. I would say the same is true when you're cutting clones.
  15. T

    Wow, these spammers are really working hard

    I wonder why the Mod's don't clean this shit up?
  16. T

    Reversing Alternating Phyllotaxy in Clones

    For the OP: I'm not really responding to address your question. I'm wondering why you are asking it. I see what you are saying and I just wonder "What difference does it make"? Not trying to be an asshole, just curious.
  17. T

    Apical meristem

    Come on - nobody?
  18. T


    The DIY sub-forum is for posting tutorials; not for asking questions.
  19. T

    Apical meristem

    I believe that's "The Sea of Tranquility". I'm sure some of you know what that is!
  20. T

    A head scratcher?

    Nice machrophotography; you didn't do that with a cell-phone camera I bet!