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  1. GrowerGaz95

    What if I used the wrong ph to water my plant

    Made my day! Literally spat my tea out reading that there! Funny shit where you from
  2. GrowerGaz95

    pk boost 13.14 and bloom

    Yeah i feel you bro haha! in that case use your canna a&b, boost whatever else you decide to use in veg, then when your ready to switch them 12/12 start with your pk13/14 bloom as well as your a&b
  3. GrowerGaz95

    pk boost 13.14 and bloom

    My autos just got PH adjusted water for first week or so, then moved them on to 1/8th of the doseage of Canna A+B and then when they show signs of needing more will be 1/4 and then 1/2 and so on you get the idea..... then when they show signs of pre flowering they will also be getting PK 13/14...
  4. GrowerGaz95

    pk boost 13.14 and bloom

    Still very new around here but been hiding in the shadows reading a lot of posts while my autos are growling nicely :D haha, adding pk 13 14 to seedlings is not reccomended thats more for flowering its your bloom.
  5. GrowerGaz95

    new guy errors

    Looking good man... my autos are also on 18/6
  6. GrowerGaz95

    Autoflowers 2.5 weeks old ( i think)

    Been looking for a post like this for a while, currently have 4 blue-amnesia's growing and was curious on size around week 2.5.