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  1. Lord Dangly Bits

    How often to water the rock wool?

    First off how old are these plants? What kind of system are you running. When I grew in rock-wool, I used a flood and drain system. And I had it set up to flood the grow tray every 8 hours. Where I used to live the humidity outside woukld be like 3-18%. In a lot of places you could get away with...
  2. Lord Dangly Bits

    Problems with my Clones

    It is never to late. But it also depends on how you handle the plants. If you are careful and light of touch, you could get them into smaller pots with out them even knowing it happened. I once put some clones into some Nutrient hot soil. after 3-4 weeks of fighting this crap soil I carefully...
  3. Lord Dangly Bits

    Problems with my Clones

    There are a lot of ways to skin a cat and get the same pelt. IBut myself, I never plant my clones or seedlings in such large pots. When plants are this small, it takes way to long for them to drink up the water and nutrients fed to them in such large pots. I always plant my seedlings and clones...
  4. Lord Dangly Bits

    2nd thread about this...unwanted mushrooms please help!

    I have been growing in Coco for about 4 years now, and reuse my coco 3-4 times. But each time I treat it with a double dose of some kind of Cyzme product for 7-10 days. I have never had trouble. Mushrooms do not grow unless the spores were brought into the grow room somehow. This could have...
  5. Lord Dangly Bits

    Light leak during vegging?

    It is not worth the cost of the electricity to run your lights 24/7. imho A small light leak during veg will in no way harm your plants.
  6. Lord Dangly Bits

    Help With Some Plants Pics Inside

    I do not use Soil myself. I use Coco Coire. I use Coco because it is about impossible to over water. And easier to control the conditions within the medium. At least for me. With soil, I usually only watered every 5-7 days. But i live in a humid place. Just because one person has to water every...
  7. Lord Dangly Bits

    drooping . brown spots/tan spots 3 weeks flowering please help

    Here is the best CFL Home Depot has for flowering. This bad boy is equivalent to 300watts, so they say. But I know for a fact 3 of these can put out about 4 ounces of dank on 2 plants. This light is about 10 inches in length, and will fit in a normal 110 light socket. You will have to probably...
  8. Lord Dangly Bits

    Help With Some Plants Pics Inside

    I have said this many times. The most important thing a new grower should know is to not over love your plants. If you think it needs water wait a day or two. If you think they need their first feeding, wait a week or so. That soil has time released nutrients in it. This is why I never use a...
  9. Lord Dangly Bits

    Help With Some Plants Pics Inside

    Did you add anything to the water you misted your plants with? Did you misted them while the lights were on? You should mist your plants just before the lights go off, or when they are off. Sometimes the drops of water act like little magnifying glasses. I myself very rarely Mist my plants. To...
  10. Lord Dangly Bits

    drooping . brown spots/tan spots 3 weeks flowering please help

    when a plant goes into flowering. Lower leafs will start to die off. But your plants have some funky looking fan leafs. What kind of lighting do you have? Do you have much ventilation. Does your grow medium have good drainage. I would not be worried about the lower leafs dieing off. but those...
  11. Lord Dangly Bits

    my list of nutrients

    When I first started growing I used to have 10-15 bottles of nutrients per crop. Now I just have Cyco A&B and Liquid Karma and that is all. To me all the others are just wasted money. At about week 5 of flowering I do add a little black strap mollasses I get from the health food store.
  12. Lord Dangly Bits

    Odd Leaf/Plant Deficiency!?

    Got to add to this. You gave so little infomation on what conditions you have. At least you did not get my aliens coming down and pissing on you plants and causeing intergalatic fungus growth. With such little information any answer you get is just a shot in the dark. So either give the info...
  13. Lord Dangly Bits

    Odd Leaf/Plant Deficiency!?

    Hey there you little punk ass know nothing grower. You gave next to no information on what your grow was about. No conditions or anything. So how the Fook are we supposed to make a informed fix for your stupid problem. So stop being a retard and give some information on what you have , what...
  14. Lord Dangly Bits

    Odd Leaf/Plant Deficiency!?

    Let me guess. You used Miracle grow soil?
  15. Lord Dangly Bits

    question from noob first time grow

    I think the best advice a new grower could get would be this. Do not OVER LOVE your plants. If you think you should start feeding them, then wait a few weeks. If you think you should water them, wait a day or two. If a Woman gives you her number, you do not go right home and call her do you? NO...
  16. Lord Dangly Bits

    my plant is too bushy

    Anyone think about asking him how old the plant is? Plants that are young and in a good enviroment, will put more energy into root growth at first. If those plants of only a few weeks old. then CHILL OUT. If they are 3-4 weeks old then you might start to wonder. I just finished a crop where I...
  17. Lord Dangly Bits

    wtf is this norm?.. ph question

    It takes time to adjust the PH of your medium into the range you want if it gets a little out of wack. The PH of soil will not turn around like a ferrari, It is more like a Huge Ocean Freighter. Just continue to water with your 5.7 and you will see change in a while. I never try and flip my PH...
  18. Lord Dangly Bits

    Can i flush 40 trs or so of tap water through my soil to rid it of salts 4 weeks into

    You never did answer the question of what kind of soil are you using. You just said you water everyday. I hope you are in CoCo and not soil. Watering everyday in soil is way to often. You should be watering every 3-5 days. Soak them down good, until you have plenty of run off, then wait for the...
  19. Lord Dangly Bits

    Can i flush 40 trs or so of tap water through my soil to rid it of salts 4 weeks into

    I am not so sure you are getting nut burn. What kind of soil and nutrients are you useing? What is the PH of the nutrient water you feed them? What is the PH of the soil. Do you have good drainage? The one leaf that is just a light yellow color, looks like Nitrogen def. But you are in flowering...
  20. Lord Dangly Bits

    For those thinking COCO

    Bubbels, have you even read this thread? Or are you just jumping in at the end? Myself, I have not flushed in a couple of years. Because I can keep the medium in the range I want. But If I feel I need to flush out some of the salts, I just give them a normal mix but more of it. But some people...