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  1. Keesje

    Low Pressure Aero has begun!

    Don't know of course what your ideas are, but if you want to use no medium (only the neoprene collars, check out this post by KLX. Are you using any rooting powder or gel? (Or did I already ask this before?)
  2. Keesje

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Do you have a link? There are lots of NFT trays and such in the UK, but never saw these particular ones.
  3. Keesje

    Low Pressure Aero has begun!

    Nice and clean set up! Good and healthy looking roots!
  4. Keesje

    What are your nute PPM levels everyone?

    Ppm sucks! Use EC :D
  5. Keesje

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Hello Uk-growers, In the USA and Australia you can buy these great deep trays for ebb&flow. Many of them a height of about 6 inches, and are 4 x 4 feet or 4 x 8 feet wide. Does anyone know if they are also for sale anywhere in the UK? I did some research and can't find them anywhere...
  6. Keesje

    R00T Pr0n

    It is really astonishing how many roots. Must be something in the water where you live. Do men also have boobs where you live? :)
  7. Keesje

    R00T Pr0n

    They really look like you have used some root powder or gel. So many roots on such a small surface. But you did not use anything, right? Looks great!
  8. Keesje

    Building Aero Cloner

    I also builded a DIY cloner with sprayers. Using a 1500 liter/hour pump. It feels oversized, but it doesn't matter that much. Better to big as to small IMO. It is 15 Watts and costed about $ 15.00 (incl. shipping from China)
  9. Keesje

    Building Aero Cloner

    Well, I actually don't know. Tried several ways and once with Clonex. I made clean cuts, dipped them in Clonex, left them in it for a few minutes, and put them in the cloner. Perhaps they were in the Clonex too long. Anyway, they performed badly. Still searching for the best way.
  10. Keesje

    Building Aero Cloner

    And you wash it off before you put them in your cloner? Or do you perhaps cut your stems also a bit more precise after you take them out of your dip?
  11. Keesje

    turning air pump off for 30min every 2hrs? what do u guys think?

    Interesting! How do you circulate water without an electric pump?
  12. Keesje

    turning air pump off for 30min every 2hrs? what do u guys think?

    A venturi by itself will only break if it is constructed wrong. There are no moving parts, or something electronic or mechanical in a venturi. Then you could also say 'airtube is prone to breaking' When I had an airpump it broke down within an month. :) Perhaps it wasn't the best one I bought...
  13. Keesje

    turning air pump off for 30min every 2hrs? what do u guys think?

    I do have experience with it, and so do other people on this forum. There are several members who use some kind of waterfall. I think an aquariumpump with a tee pipe on top is cheaper. Just putting an aquariumpump on its side of facing upwards is cheaper. If airstones would be the...
  14. Keesje

    turning air pump off for 30min every 2hrs? what do u guys think?

    You can't put it that way. The amount of oxygen required depends on how many roots you have. If you have a lot of roots in relation to the volume of your res, then I would certainly not stop the pump. If you have few roots, then maybe you can. But why would you run the risk? If your water gets...
  15. Keesje

    Building Aero Cloner

    Do you use some kind of rooting powder or gel? The roots on the stem are dense (on a small surface on the stem, I mean)
  16. Keesje

    turning air pump off for 30min every 2hrs? what do u guys think?

    I always like to read different point of views, and always happy with scientific papers. I did read the paper mentioned by @OldMedUser and what is not clear to me how they concluded how the bubbles had a bigger impact on the DO then the agitation of the water surface. Also they did not explain...
  17. Keesje

    Building Aero Cloner

    I think 7 days is excellent and also the roots look good. What would you like to improve? It will also depend on the strain, but I think 7 days is on the faster side of the spectrum.
  18. Keesje

    turning air pump off for 30min every 2hrs? what do u guys think?

    I think you are not right here. If you can't see the bubbles anymore, it doesn't mean that all the oxygen is dissolved. It only means that you did not see them. They just became smaller then visible bubbles. Think about this: water of a temperature around 20 - 25 degrees can hold about 8 to 9...
  19. Keesje

    turning air pump off for 30min every 2hrs? what do u guys think?

    Waterfalls, flooming, venturi, for example You can find them all on this beautiful forum. The bubbles created by an airstone will not bring DO in the water because of the bubbles full of air. They do it because they agitate the surface of the water.
  20. Keesje

    turning air pump off for 30min every 2hrs? what do u guys think?

    Agree on that. With DWC I would never turn off the pump. Why take the risk? Although it will take some time before all DO is consumed.